Key future changes to pensions that employers need to know about

How the shifting retirement landscape is reshaping workplace decisions

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Within five years retirement behaviours will have changed dramatically, largely due to the expected rise in employees in defined contribution-only pensions plans by 2030. Employers have yet to feel the impact of this shift, but it is imminent. In preparation, there have been several Reviews and Consultations, plus broadly cross-government agreement that shifts are required to deliver better value for pensions.

In this webinar we will explore the top pensions challenges and changes HR, Reward and Benefits teams need to know about in order to assess what is likely to stay the same and what is most likely to change within their own workforce: from auto-enrolment duties and the long-awaited dashboards project, through to the impact of the current housing costs crisis and longer working lives. 

The panel will discuss practical, forward-looking actions employers can take to mould pensions and broader financial support benefits to match changing workforce demographics, attract and retain workers, as well as allow for retirement journeys that will suit near-term workforce planning needs.

Key issues to be explored
•    What will the next five years mean for workplace pensions – how retirement behaviours will look very different by 2030.
•    What does value for money mean for employers as we tip towards the majority of workers only having access to defined contribution (DC) pensions?
•    How can DC plans, such as Master Trusts and Group Personal Pensions, be made as valuable DB schemes to the benefit of both employer and employee?
•    What should (or can) employers do to engage employees – is it time to talk about housing costs and generation rent?
•    What is the future direction of travel for good member outcomes, and what is changing?
•    Captivating behaviours: from inertia to engagement, from defaults to decisions.

Panel chair:

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The panel consists of:

Maral Soltani-Taylor

Maral Soltani-Taylor

Director, Benefits & Mobility, Exact Sciences

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Steve Watson

Steve Watson

Director of Policy & Research, Cushon

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Sam Whiting

Sam Whiting

Benefits and Pensions Senior Manager , Grant Thornton UK LLP

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Webinar: The importance of better data for smarter benefits decision-making

Understand how to collect and develop better data to improve programme performance and get buy-in for future benefits change projects
2 April 2025 | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

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