Invitation-only event: Navigating employer-funded healthcare for multinational employees; opportunities, challenges and solutions for 2025 and beyond.
If you missed this year's Summit you can catch up with the key takeways or download REBA's Future of Health and Protection Research 2025 for the latest insights into how these core benefits are continuing to evolve.
REBA members can also down the White Paper: REBA Future of Health & Protection Summit 2025, which outlines the key findings from the event.
Why does REBA run the Summit?
The Future of Health and Protection Summit is designed to empower multinational reward and benefits directors with the insights, knowledge and data they need to make informed decisions and secure board-level buy-in for strategic investment in health and insurance benefits.
This employer-focused, invitation-only event brings together reward and benefits leaders with multinational responsibility to examine current and future challenges and the emerging solutions to mitigate rising people risks to business and benefits budgets.
Context: The shifting healthcare landscape
As employers continue to see their employer-funded healthcare costs increasing due to high medical trend rates globally, at the same time, an ageing workforce and a declining healthy life expectancy means the rise in expensive to treat long-term health conditions in the workplace will continue to rise for all employers.
This event was so relevant; I learnt a lot and it really got me thinking when my thinking on this subject had really been stuck in a rut!
Debbie Fennell, Senior Benefits Manager
DHL Supply Chain
In the face of these health and cost pressures and the workforce risks coming down the line, employer-funded healthcare is no longer a nice to have but has become integral to the bottom line. It also means the ecosystem must continue to evolve and shift to enable international organisations to meet both employee demand and mitigate gaps left by state-funded healthcare.
We’re seeing a rebalancing in the health and insurance market and a rise in the use of specialised private medical services, such a telemedicine, menopause support, physiotherapy or health screening, unbundled from insurance, captives or pooling arrangements. Whether buying standalone services directly, through a captive, insurer or platform provider, employers are looking at the cost to value ratio and cherry-picking the private medical services most needed for their workforce profile.
Employers are also focusing in on robust outcome measures to better control costs and reduce people risk to the business. Data is key to this, but it’s not about more data, it’s about the right data. And while getting precise clinical outcome data is complex and difficult, this Summit will help multinational reward and benefits leaders to increase their knowledge of how the clinical side of the market works so they can more confidently build a clearer picture on return on spend on private health benefits and the business case for ongoing investment.
To reflect the success of the event, the Summit is moving to a new venue, County Hall on London’s Southbank.
These organisations support the 2025 Summit, bringing their wide range of skills and expertise.
If you're interested in sponsorship, please contact Phil Hayne or Suzanne Saunders.
Key themes and topics for discussion
I came away from the day with some great insights, and a lot of food for thought. I will be taking some of this into my upcoming renewal conversations.
Caroline Adam, Head of UK Benefits & Wellbeing
Who will attend?
Providing opportunities to network with peers and tap into latest thinking, insights and data, this strategic level Summit is designed to support reward and benefits leaders with international responsibility and help them to navigate and manage the costs and complexities of providing employer-funded health benefits for a multinational workforce.
By creating an invitation-only event, we can ensure everyone in attendance is facing similar challenges
and can connect with those in their community to find the answers they need.
Key stakeholders will be personally invited to add their invaluable perspective and insights into the future of workplace health and protection insurances. These stakeholders include: