Create my shortlist

Use this convenient tool to bookmark and shortlist interesting suppliers from REBA's curated supplier directory.

REBA's directory is a convenient, time-saving listing of reward and benefits providers you can work with to support and deliver your reward and benefits strategy.

We've done the bulk research for you, so you can skip straight to further down the process. You can also get reviews from other professional members on rebaLINK.

You'll need to be logged in as a professional member to use the shortlist suppliers tool. If you're not already a member, apply today. Otherwise login below.



Webinar: The importance of better data for smarter benefits decision-making

Understand how to collect and develop better data to improve programme performance and get buy-in for future benefits change projects
2 April 2025 | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

Book your place