Rethinking benefits to attract, retain and engage as age demographics shift

Best practice and risk mitigation strategies for mid and later career employees

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As UK demographics shift to an ageing population and shrinking birth rates, more organisations are starting to see a rise of the average age of their workforces. This means that  employers will face different, tricky challenges to attract, retain and engage talent with different needs to previous generations. Forward thinking now by benefits and reward professionals will ensure their organisations are fit for the future of work, prepared for the growing talent crisis as well as mitigate future workforce risks.
In this webinar, we will explore how to plan ahead for the emerging needs of mid- and later-career workers, what the typical life stage challenges are likely to be, as well as which benefits and reward strategies can be used to support new ways of working.
The panel will discuss how they are already, or are planning to put in place, benefits to support: flexible journeys to retirement, working with conditions such as chronic illness, plus the expected rise in the number of employees with caring responsibilities outside of work.
Key issues to be explored
•    How changing demographics is contributing to a growing talent crisis and the industries most likely to be affected;
•    Why it should already be a focus and priority for benefits specialists to build relevant employee benefits for mid to later career talent 
•    Understanding (and using benefits to mitigate) the risks: from productivity and specialist skills to financial health, health and wellbeing;     
•    Planning for new life stage demands: sandwich generation, working carers, chronic illnesses and flexible retirement journeys
•    Re-designing financial and health benefits as well as jobs to match new ways of working 
•    Dealing with the sensitive topic of the impact of ageing demographics       at work in order to engage and support workers for longer 
•    What UK employers can learn from those countries which are a few years ahead in ageing population journeys

Panel chair:

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The panel consists of:

Anna Cotgreave

Anna Cotgreave

Head of Reward and Benefits, UK, Clifford Chance

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Paul Duggan

Paul Duggan

Global Health and Wellbeing Lead (EMEA), Accenture


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Stephanie Leung

Stephanie Leung

Co-Founder and CEO, KareHero

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