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18 Oct 2017

4 signs your staff might be worrying about money

That people worry about their personal finances is a consistent finding of research from many different sources. The YMCA has found a 52% difference in wellbeing between the most and least financially confident people in society, and CIPD research revealed that money worries form one of the top three causes of stress at work (according to 22% of employees surveyed).


To a certain extent, stress is a normal part of life, whether it's worrying about paying for a holiday, a big event at work or feeling like there's a lot to deal with at home. But worries about money - or anything else - can become a problem.

Stress is also the biggest reason for workplace sickness and, even though it's considered a mental condition, it can lead to many physical health problems including irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure and heart problems. Chronic stress has been linked with the six leading causes of death.

How do you help your staff know when it's time to get help from a professional? Teach them to look out for these signs.

1)You're having trouble sleeping 

Stress affects sleeping patterns in different ways, but if you notice a change then it might be down to stress. You could suffer from insomnia and have trouble getting to sleep, or you might experience nightmares and disturbing dreams. If you're not getting enough sleep then you'll actually feel more stressed and irritable the next day.

2) Headaches

Ongoing headaches can be one of the first warning signs of stress. It's almost like your mind's way of saying it can't handle any more pressure. You may also experience muscle tension or pain in other parts of your body, but headaches and lack of concentration are a common indicator.

3) Changes in appetite

Stress hormones can produce a change in your appetite - you might not feel like eating or find that you are overeating and indulging in comfort foods. A loss of appetite or an increase in appetite is usually down to too much stress. Are you eating more or less than usual?

4) Mood swings

When too many stress hormones are produced you could find yourself having mood swings reminiscent of your teenage years. You lose your temper easily and could even withdraw from friends and family. This is because stress affects how you feel and behave. A short temper and bad mood swings can lead to broken relationships with the ones you love.

You can see how the warning signs of stress all connect - if you're not getting enough sleep this feeds into creating mood swings and headaches. Eating too much or too little can also affect your sleeping pattern.

If you recognise these warning signs then it's time to talk to a GP about stress. Remember that stress and other mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are the reason for one in five GP appointments - so you're not alone and definitely not wasting a doctor's time.

You might think money worries are not a "good" enough reason to get help for stress. But the impact of ignoring it could be severe.

This article was provided by Babylon Health. 




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