REBA Employee Wellbeing Awards 2020

Celebrating employers with the best wellbeing benefits

REBA Employee Wellbeing Awards 2020


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Congratulations to the 2020 REBA Employee Wellbeing Awards winners! This fantastic achievement celebrates all of the great work they have done to improve staff wellbeing and the culture of their organisation through reward and benefits.

On 5 March we welcomed all finalists to our invitation-only event where they shared secrets of success during an inspiring afternoon of workshops, followed by a glamorous awards celebration evening. The 2020 winners were announced live on stage by breakfast television presenter Louise Minchin and were invited to join her to collect their trophies which mark the fantastic work they are doing to improve the wellbeing of millions.

Thank you to all of our entrants, judges, sponsors and partners  - you made the 2020 awards possible!






The winners of the REBA Employee Wellbeing Awards 2020 are:


Most Effective Development to a Wellbeing Strategy (Private Sector)

Winner: Volkswagen Financial Services

 An impressive 92% of employees at our winning employer organisation say they are fit and healthy to do their job!  This company ensures that their line managers are well equipped, they have an inclusive demographic approach, and the jury were particularly impressed by their developing policy towards menopause-related wellbeing. 


Most Effective Development to a Wellbeing Strategy (Public and Not-For-Profit sector)

Winner: North Bristol NHS Trust

In a very strong category full of excellence entries, our winner demonstrated that they have evolved, listened to feedback, adapted their strategy when required, and quantified their results. At all times they had both employees and customers in mind. They understand the emotional labour that working in a hospital brings.


Best New Wellbeing Strategy (Fewer than 500 staff)

Winner: Ubisoft Reflections & Ubisoft Leamington

 The jury were pleased to see a strategy with a clear purpose which is very focused on the needs of the workforce. The winning organisation combined a holistic approach with real depth of attention to each pillar of wellbeing, particularly with regard to mental health.  They had a compelling case for change within their organisation and have addressed it well with tangible results. 


Best New Wellbeing Strategy (500-5,000 staff)

Winner: The Holly Private Hospital (Aspen Healthcare)

 Another great entry from a newcomer to employee wellbeing, with a clear strategy supported by tangible outputs. They addressed the different wellbeing pillars with hard and soft interventions across each. Another provider in the healthcare sector demonstrating  a realistic, measurable and forward-thinking approach to looking after their own employees.


Best New Wellbeing Strategy (More than 5,000 staff)

Winner: Stonegate Pub Company

The winner in this category identified a business problem [a high staff turnover] and developed a strategy to address that.  The strategy is based on researching employees’ actual needs and includes some good specific initiatives, such as support for lone, late-night workers, as well as actions that will help all of the workforce.  The entry provided a really clear picture of why and how Stonegate has introduced a new employee wellbeing strategy.


Best Global or International Wellbeing Strategy

Winner: GSK

Can you personalise wellbeing for 95,000 employees based in 150 different countries? This organisation showed that you can. It identified critical services needed for health and wellbeing globally,  but also took account of local priorities when building and evolving its strategy. 


Best Innovation in Wellbeing Award

Winner: Molson Coors Brewing Company (UK & Ireland) Ltd

Who would have thought that time could be an innovation? This organisation’s approach to giving people a better work/life balance through simple but effective ideas such as deleting emails whilst staff are on holiday, implementing summertime hours and providing “life leave” is innovative because it has become a core part of the way in which the company does business that everyone is committed to across the organisation. 


Best Leadership and Culture in Wellbeing

Winner: Tideway

A well-presented, easy to read submission about implementing employee wellbeing in a challenging environment.  The company addressed inclusivity and support for different cultures within the organisation.  They demonstrated a great knowledge of their workforce, and the leadership shows commitment from the top.  For a real push to create a positive  work culture.


Best Physical Wellbeing Strategy

Winner: Westfield Health

This organisation set clear objectives and demonstrated a good use of technology to support their strategy – the company also looked beyond the gym to other areas of physical health, such as nutrition.  The jury felt that it was great to see a healthcare provider demonstrate such a coherent approach to their own staff’s physical health.


Best Mental Wellbeing Strategy (Fewer than 1,000 staff)

Highly commended: Ubisoft Reflections & Ubisoft Leamington

Highly commended for identifying the key issues and providing statistics that show improvements, this small organisation is focused at an individual level, including having one-to-ones with all new employees.


Winner: Tideway

 An organisation that has used its size as a strength and cascaded its initiative to its supply chain. It has built its strategy on the Stevenson/Farmer Review principles and enabled engagement with all employees around mental wellbeing.  For this very inclusive approach, which they benchmark against external competitors.


Best Mental Wellbeing Strategy (1,000-5,000 staff)

Winner: Aster Group UK

There was one clear message in this entry that impressed the jury - employees would recommend this organisation as a place to work because of their employee wellbeing strategy.  This organisation has put in place an effective process for identifying those employees that need support, and actively promote connections through social wellbeing.  


Best Mental Wellbeing Strategy (More than 5,000 staff)

Winner: GSK

 The winning organisation demonstrated to the Jury that they are proactive and purpose driven when on mental wellbeing. They have established a great platform to grow from, that is empowering and systematic. They clearly have their finger on the pulse with a clear focus on both individuals and teams.


Best Overall Financial Wellbeing Strategy

Winner: Ocado

The winner in this category has developed an approach to overall financial wellbeing which reflects the diverse demographic of their employees across many locations and often on the road. They have responded to what they have learned from the introduction of a financial wellbeing strategy to expand their approach – and are also engaging people in financial wellbeing even pre-employment.


Best Approach to Day-to-Day Financial Wellbeing

Winner: Gattaca

 From a starting point of zero, our winner in this category has demonstrated that they have been very smart with their approach to financial wellbeing. They know their workforce and they know their demographic, and what they have done is scalable. They have made informed choices and used forward thinking. 


Best Approach to Long-term Financial Wellbeing

Winner: The Royal Bank of Scotland Group

The jury were impressed by the well-rounded, long-term approach of this employer’s approach to financial wellbeing – plus, they are making it fun!  Their entry also demonstrates a thoughtful approach to connecting financial and mental wellbeing, understanding emotions and feelings might affect you more than rational facts.


Best Approach to Wellbeing Aligned with a Diversity & Inclusion Strategy

Winner: IHS Markit

IHS Markit impressed the jury through its integrated approach across mental, physical and financial wellbeing, based on strong management information and clear objectives for the future. From awareness of visible and invisible disabilities and the introduction of a gender dysphoria benefit, to a global review of mental health services, they stood out from the crowd.

Best use of Technology and Data for Wellbeing

Winner: Romero Insurance Brokers Ltd

Quite simply, the jury were the most impressed by the clear results shown by this employer – their entry met all the key category criteria and clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of their strategy.  They truly used the data from their tech to drive what they did next.   


Best Wellbeing Engagement (Private Sector)

Winner: Schroders

This employer has taken a robust, evidence-based approach and clearly demonstrated good use of data in benchmarking and measuring success.  The planning and execution for an office move was an impressive springboard for wellbeing engagement and the jury felt that this was the only entry in this category to consider human factors, such as the design of the physical work environment: they were also particularly impressed by their approach to mental health disclosure. 


Best Wellbeing Engagement (Public and Not-For-Profit sector)

Winner: North Bristol NHS Trust

This entry described a very high-quality offering that is well embedded in the culture of the organisation.  Consultation with staff was evident and the resultant strategy has captured all aspects of employee life.  They have worked hard to engage different parts of the workforce and shown that they are responsive to staff feedback.


Pinnacle Award

Winner: GSK

The Pinnacle Award is judged by REBA directors Phil Hayne and Debi O’Donovan and is awarded to a company that scored very highly in several categories, and has demonstrated outstanding commitment to workplace wellbeing.


Visionary Award

Winners: Louise Aston, Dame Carol Black & Beth Robotham

The REBA Employee Wellbeing Visionary Award honours the contribution made by a group of people who have had a huge impact on the workplace wellbeing movement. These visionaries have shifted thinking and influenced other leaders to change their approaches. 

Not only has Louise Aston been consistently supportive of REBA’s work, including joining the jury for this year’s awards, but her role at Business in the Community has ensured that she has been a leading voice across industry, encouraging and supporting many organisations in their path to improving employee wellbeing.

Beth Robotham is not only instrumental in supporting employee wellbeing at her own organisation, Goldman Sachs, but she is also the Deputy Chair of the City Mental Health Alliance and, as such, has been hugely instrumental in changing the conversation around mental health in a very high-pressured industry sector.

Our third Visionary is Dame Carol Black. With a lifetime’s career in medicine and healthcare, since she was first invited by Tony Blair to be the government’s national director for health and work, Dame Carol has been a leading voice of reason, or persuasion and of expertise in public policy on health at work, and continues to encourage commercial, public and third sector organisations to improve the health of their employees.

Expert independent judges

Deborah Astles

Deborah Astles

HR Director, Policy and Corporate Responsibility

Dr Shaun Davis

Dr Shaun Davis

Group Safety, Health and Wellbeing Director, Belron

Gareth Whalley

Gareth Whalley

Global Director, Diversity & Inclusion

The Coca Cola Company
Ian Hodson

Ian Hodson

Head of Reward

Jenny Davidson

Jenny Davidson

Director of People Propositions/Reward

Three logo.png
Judith Grant

Judith Grant

Director of Health and Wellbeing

Nicola Wells

Nicola Wells

Global Reward Director

Rosemary Lemon

Rosemary Lemon

Group Head of Reward

Sally Wilson

Sally Wilson

Senior Research Fellow

Sandra Perlaki

Sandra Perlaki

UK HR Policy & Benefits Manager

Sarah Bissell

Sarah Bissell

HR Director

Shefali Gera

Shefali Gera

EMEA Head of Wellness

Susan Gee

Susan Gee

Group Occupational Health And Wellbeing Manager

Thomas Hiles

Thomas Hiles

Group Benefits Manager, UK

Tracey Newton

Tracey Newton

Director of People Performance

Louise Aston

Louise Aston

Wellbeing Director

Business in the Community
Dani Brackpool

Dani Brackpool

Senior Reward Manager - Benefits, Wickes

Sheila Champion-Smeeth

Sheila Champion-Smeeth

Total Rewards Leader - Europe, Middle East, Africa, Russia, Cisco

Cisco 1
Debbie  Fennell

Debbie Fennell

Senior Benefits Manager

Philip Hutchinson

Philip Hutchinson

Senior Manager Total Rewards, Deloitte LLP

Emma Mamo

Emma Mamo

Head of Workplace Wellbeing

Mirka Slater

Mirka Slater

EMEA Benefits Team Lead, Meta

Kate Whelan

Kate Whelan

Global Reward Director, Dentsu International

dentsu International.png

2020 categories and finalists


Most Effective Development to a Wellbeing Strategy 

The Most Effective Development to a Wellbeing Strategy award celebrates employers that have gone beyond the first steps on their health and wellbeing journey. You will have existing wellbeing initiatives in place that are at least two to three years old and will now be building on your previous experiences to evolve and deliver your approach to employee health and wellbeing across your employee benefits and reward strategy, HR objectives and the business.


Private Sector
Bouygues E&S Contracting
RSK Group
Vertas Group Limited
Volkswagen Financial Services

Public and Not-For-Profit sector
Aster Group UK
Kirklees Council
North Bristol NHS Trust


Best New Wellbeing Strategy  

The Best New Wellbeing Strategy award recognises businesses that have successfully implemented the first phase(s) of a wellbeing strategy within the last two years. Tell us what you did, why you decided to launch a health or wellbeing strategy from an employee benefits, HR or business perspective, how you decided what initiatives to start with, and how you went about implementing them. 


Fewer than 500 staff
BMS Group Ltd
Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils
Epson Europe B.V.
HRA Pharma
Ubisoft Reflections & Ubisoft Leamington

500-5,000 staff
Brewin Dolphin Ltd
Carnival UK Group
Experian Ltd
Mace Group
Taylor Wessing LLP
The Holly Private Hospital (Aspen Healthcare)
Virgin Active

More than 5,000 staff
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Atkins, member of SNC-Lavalin
Elysium Healthcare
Stonegate Pub Company
TUI UK & Ireland


Best Global or International Wellbeing Strategy   

This award will celebrate employers running successful health benefits, insurance or wellbeing strategies internationally or globally. 


British Standards Institution
The Coca-Cola Company


Best Innovation in Wellbeing Award  

The winner(s) of this award will be able to demonstrate how they have successfully implemented inspirational fresh thinking, new, creative ideas, imaginative tactics or strategies that will inspire the wider employee health and wellbeing community. 


Department for Work & Pensions
GAM Investments
Molson Coors Brewing Company (UK & Ireland) Ltd
MRL Consulting
NAVIGO Health and Social Care CIC


Best Leadership and Culture in Wellbeing    

This award celebrates employers that see employee health and wellbeing as an integral part of a positive company culture, which is championed and driven by business leadership.


FNSS Savunma Ssitemleri
NAVIGO Health and Social Care CIC
RSK Group
United Utilities


Best Physical Wellbeing Strategy   

This award celebrates employers that have proactively put in place a well thought through employee benefits, health insurances or wellbeing strategy to encourage and promote physical health among their employees.  


Epson Europe B.V.
NAVIGO Health and Social Care CIC
RSK Group
Westfield Health


Best Mental Wellbeing Strategy    

This award celebrates employers that have put in place a well thought through employee benefits, insurance or wellbeing strategy to encourage and promote good mental health among their employees.  


Fewer than 1,000 staff
Charlton Morris
Epson Europe B.V.
Ubisoft Reflections & Ubisoft Leamington

1,000-5,000 staff
Aster Group UK
IPG Mediabrands
Molson Coors Brewing Company (UK & Ireland) Ltd
RSK Group

More than 5,000 staff
Atkins, a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group
Kirklees Council
North Bristol NHS Trust
William Hill


Best Overall Financial Wellbeing Strategy   

This award recognises employers that have a well thought through strategy employee benefits or financial services to encourage and promote ongoing financial wellness among all of their employees.    


Epson Europe B.V.
GAM Investments
University of Lincoln


Best Approach to Day-to-Day Financial Wellbeing   

This award recognises employers who have built strategies to support employees’ day-to-day financial wellbeing. That might be in response to known challenges that the workforce is facing, or to help all employees improve their financial resilience and make their pay go further. 


Travis Perkins plc
University of Lincoln
Virgin Active


Best Approach to Long-term Financial Wellbeing   

This award celebrates businesses that have successfully got employees thinking about their long-term financial wellbeing, particularly retirement and pensions. 


Ascential Group Limited
Oxford University Press
RSK Group
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
United Utilities
University of Lincoln

Best Approach to Wellbeing Aligned with a Diversity & Inclusion Strategy   

This award celebrates companies that have thought about their employee health and wellbeing initiatives as part of their diversity & inclusion (D&I) agenda. That includes creating strategies that genuinely benefit all staff, that have opened up new opportunities for all employees, driven a more diverse workforce, created better inclusion or drawn in vulnerable groups.


IHS Markit
Just Eat
Mondelez Philippines, Inc.


Best use of Technology and Data for Wellbeing   

This award recognises how employers are using technology and data to deliver better, more transparent and data-rich employee health and wellbeing strategies.  That could include driving new ways of communicating and engaging, better understanding employee behaviours or tracking how benefits are being used to drive future funding. 


Epson Europe B.V.
Romero Insurance Brokers Ltd
The Coca-Cola Company
Travis Perkins plc
Vodafone Ireland Ltd.

Best Wellbeing Engagement   

A wellbeing strategy is only effective if employees engage with it. This award celebrates the very best in communications, initiatives to drive up take-up rates and employers that have created tangible change in the health and wellbeing of their workforce through great levels of engagement. 


Private Sector
Amadeus IT Services UK Ltd
Credit Suisse
The Coca-Cola Company
Virgin Atlantic Airways

Public and Not-For-Profit sector
Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils
Civil Service UK
Department for Work & Pensions
East Herts Council
North Bristol NHS Trust

The REBA Employee Wellbeing Awards 2020 have also featured a Visionary Award and the REBA Pinnacle Award. These were chosen by the judges and the REBA advisory board.



Our Event Partners Include:











“Fantastic event - both the conference part and the awards ceremony” - Peter Smith, Future Planning Manager at Yorkshire Building Society. Winner of the Financial Award and Mental Wellbeing (fewer than 5,000 employees) Award.

 “I’m most proud that we’ve made a difference and really seen success for everything we’ve put our hearts and souls into.” Debbie Fennell, Employee Benefits & Reward Specialist at Carlsberg UK. Winner of Newcomer (Private Sector) Award.

“This award is really very meaningful and a great result for the team” - Alison Main-Lavergne, International Benefits Leader at Wells Fargo. Winner of the Global Award.





Awards timeline



2 September 2019 | Awards open for entry

14 November 2019 | Deadline for entries 

January 2020 | Finalists notified and invited to workshops and ceremony

5 March 2020 | Exclusive afternoon peer-to-peer workshops and evening awards ceremony announcing all winners




If you have any questions about the awards, please do get in touch: [email protected]





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