17 Feb 2023
by Clare Price

6 tips for encouraging workplace conversations about mental health

It’s good to talk: encouraging employees to open up about mental health issues they might be experiencing is a first step to supporting them

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As many as one in six employees may be experiencing a mental health difficulty in their workplace and might benefit from targeted mental health assistance.

A lack of mental health support can lead to absenteeism, presenteeism, staff turnover and cost implications for businesses, which is why it is important to create an open and comfortable environment to talk about mental health at work. 

Many people tackle feelings of anxiety head-on and overcome them. But for some the stress of a situation can lead to meetings and plans being cancelled, the person affected becoming more socially isolated or their performance and productivity might suffer. 

It is important for business leaders, senior managers and HR to support employees who are reluctant to talk about their mental health and that starts with normalising these conversations at work.

Here are some ways to encourage conversations to better support employee mental health.

1. Listen and learn

It can be challenging for someone to open up about how they’re truly feeling. If an employee decides to talk to you about their thoughts and feelings, don’t judge; lend an ear. Sometimes the most significant step of all is them admitting how they are feeling to someone, especially if they have been battling with their problems alone.

Listen, be patient and educate yourself on what they may be dealing with. Remember you are not taking the role of a counsellor or therapist. Explain ways for them to seek professional help and encourage them to do so as soon as they can.

2. Spot the signs

If the person in question has opened up to you about how they’re feeling, then you’re likely to pick up on signs that tell you a little bit about how they might be coping. For example, they may stop responding to your work emails or calls, or they may be irritable, on edge, or lack energy for simple daily tasks. These behaviours may provide you with signs that they are in a difficult place, and you could consider what support you can offer. If you notice that they are struggling with their work relationships or workload, it’s crucial to encourage them to seek help.

3. Don’t treat anyone differently

If someone is experiencing mental health difficulties, they might already be feeling uncomfortable, confused and perhaps misunderstood. Treating people any differently will only make them feel worse or lead them to feel like a burden. Positive adjustments may be needed to support an individual – and managers need to act without making the person feel like they are a problem.

People often easily pick up on any change of treatment so, where possible, carry on communicating as you would ordinarily or with any other employee.

4. Be careful with vocabulary

Don’t tiptoe around someone as if walking on eggshells – that makes your communication with them unnatural. But be aware of phrases or words that are so often intertwined with mental health. An example would be ‘That’s so OCD’, essentially a throwaway comment sometimes said in response to a repeated act. This type of comment can be uncomfortable for someone who may actually be struggling with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. 

The same goes for comments like ‘she’s so depressing.’ These are inappropriate and can be distressing. Be aware of the language you use around mental health, especially to the person who may be struggling with it.

5. The benefits of workplace mental health training

Training helps everyone from line managers to executive leaders learn the tools for providing a great workplace culture around mental health. There is an opportunity to learn about the principles of early identification, bolstered with CBT evidence-based interventions to support employees. This will help to remove taboos surrounding mental health, vital to early detection and future-proofing employee mental wellbeing. 

6. Other ways to support employees

  • Tea and chat Set up a weekly tea and chat meeting for teams and departments outside of break times and online if your team is remote. Grab refreshments, perhaps get outside and talk about something neutral. Don’t discuss work. 
  • Appoint a mental health champion Enrol one person (or several if the team is big) to become your mental health champions. All businesses have physical first aiders, but many still lag behind in providing mental health first aiders who people can talk to and confide in. 

By providing professionally delivered mental health training to your champions, you can develop peer-to-peer network support within your organisation and create an environment in which the individual may feel more comfortable to discuss any issues they may be having.  

Having the patience to listen to employees, introducing mental health champions and first aiders and offering time to talk are helpful ways to encourage conversations on mental health at work.

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