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20 Jun 2024

Gen X and the challenges facing mid-lifers, with Hymans Robertson Personal Wealth

Julie Hammerton, Managing Partner at Hymans Robertson Personal Wealth speaks at REBA’s Wellbeing Congress 2024

If you are unable to see the video below, please follow the link here to view the session on Youtube.

Many in Gen X are in a ‘sandwich’ phase, caring for families as well as elderly parents. They may have also missed out on DB pensions, but too late to benefit from auto-enrolment. 

Added to that, they’re expected to live longer, but spend more of those longer years in poor health.

Speaking at the REBA Wellbeing Congress 2024, Julie Hammerton, Managing Partner at Hymans Robertson Personal Wealth, explores why. 

Watch the video to find out: 

- How to engage a busy generation with their finances
- Retirement confidence and knowledge gaps  
- Positive case studies demonstrating the impact of financial wellbeing strategies

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How reward and benefits can incentivise new behaviours and skills development

25 September 2024 | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

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