Report on remuneration in FTSE 250 companies

This report from Willis Towers Watson provides a review of the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) season.

This report offers an overview of key pay developments for executive and non-executive directors for companies in the FTSE 250.

It covers the key headlines and trends identified from the 2021 AGM season, including:

  • trends in policy changes and the driving forces behind these developments
  • how Remuneration Committee decisions and executive remuneration outcomes were impacted by the pandemic
  • the main areas of contention when it came to proxy agency recommendations
  • the change in median AGM voting out-turns and the proportion of companies receiving different levels of support.

It also contains analysis of market data for executive directors, such as salary, benefits and annual bonus in FTSE 250 companies. And the fees paid to non-executive directors.

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