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07 Mar 2018

Video: Why it's time to rethink wellbeing

How do employers create a holistic wellbeing strategy? In this video Damian Stancombe, head of workplace health and wealth at Barnett Waddingham, looks at the concept of wellbeing and how a robust framework will give employers an oversight of its workplace population.

Rethinking wellbeing from Barnett Waddingham on Vimeo.

Stancombe is concerned that not enough focus is given to wellbeing strategy: “I think employers are desperately trying to look at the concepts of wellbeing - but they do so in a very siloed mentality of financial wellbeing, mental wellbeing and physical wellbeing.”

Stancombe observes that decision-making is split three ways between HR directors, finance directors and another member of staff at board level with corporate governance responsibility.

“That dilemma means that we're not seeing holistic, long-term strategies in play”, Stancombe says.

Stancombe explains his approach: “What we’re trying to do is pull things into one dashboard that allows a HRD, or an FD, or whoever's responsible for corporate governance to have an oversight of its workplace population - to understand issues and make cohesive sensible decisions.”

To find out more click here.

For further insights on wellbeing in the workplace, read Barnett Waddingham’s employee survey, Why BWell.

This video was provided by Barnett Waddingham. 

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