29 Jan 2025

5 ways to support those experiencing menopause

The menopause must never be a reason to lose talented staff from the workforce.

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One in ten women leave work because of menopause “before they’re financially, emotionally, or mentally ready,” according to research from Pluxee.

There are approximately 40 symptoms of menopause, many of which cause embarrassment, and the impact they have varies from person to person. 

Some people may experience moderate symptoms, but for others, these can be severe, negatively impacting physical, emotional and mental health.

Common symptoms

  • Hot flushes: Possibly one of the most well-known menopause symptoms. More than just feeling too hot. A person experiencing a hot flush may also look red, their heartbeat may become rapid, they may perspire more, and once the hot flush has subsided, they may get chills. Imagine this happening frequently and unexpectedly – the anxiety and embarrassment.
  • Frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs): UTIs are painful, cause a more frequent need to urinate, and often require a course of antibiotics to clear. When they happen more frequently, it may increase sickness absence and presenteeism.
  • Mood swings: Sudden irritability and annoyance or a change in how an employee handles tricky situations could create a perception of being ‘unprofessional’ or difficult to work with. Mood swings are a common symptom of menopause, and those affected have little control over them.
  • Fatigue: Having less energy and feeling fatigued more often than usual can affect an employee’s energy and motivation at work and home. If menopause fatigue affects performance, it’s understandable that an employee may feel the need to step away from the workplace, especially those in demanding or leadership roles.

Raising awareness

By explaining the impact of some of the common symptoms of menopause, we’ve enhanced awareness - a crucial step in your workplace menopause support strategy. 

Without awareness and understanding of what those experiencing menopause could be going through, you can’t embed the proper support.

Participating in Menopause Awareness Month (in October) is a great way to get the ball rolling, hosting information sessions with professionals that all employees can attend. 

Remove the stigma

Embarrassment is the main reason women remain silent about menopause. 

This often leads to anxiety and, over time, has a detrimental impact on emotional and mental health. 

Empower women to speak up. If they experience a hot flush, they should be able to express their needs - whether that’s simply to open a window or take a few moments to recover. 

Not every woman will want to talk about their menopause experience, but those who wish to should be encouraged to do so.

Education and boundaries

Awareness and openness are crucial, but part of the education process should be understanding boundaries. 

For example, if a colleague’s moods suddenly change, it’s not acceptable to label them as menopausal.  

The stigma must be removed, and an open environment is essential, but colleagues must be aware of the risk of indirect discrimination.

Flexible working

Mood swings, anxiety, UTIs, fatigue and less sleep impact the wellbeing of an employee experiencing menopause. 

Flexibility is essential, allowing them to work from home when being in the office causes stress and to structure their working day to take advantage of when they feel energized.

Dedicated menopause support

Embed an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) that offers a dedicated menopause support service with access to accredited counsellors, mentors, one-to-one support, and group sessions. 

Employers can also access corporate menopause training for employees and managers and support in creating a menopause network within their business.

A target for all employers must be to make menopause support the norm in order to keep talented women in work.

It’s time to make workplace menopause support as commonplace as pension planning. 

Like retirement, working women will eventually come to a point when they experience menopause. 

Supporting and preparing for this unavoidable ‘life event’ should be considered standard business practice.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Pluxee UK

Pluxee UK, is a leading employee benefits and engagement partner that opens up a world of opportunities to help people enjoy more of what really matters in their lives.

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