28 Mar 2017
by Liz Morrell

Employee Wellbeing Research 2017: Engagement and culture key drivers of wellbeing strategies

Engagement and culture are the two biggest drivers for wellbeing strategies, according to the latest research report, ‘Employee Wellbeing Research 2017: The evolution of workplace wellbeing in the UK’ from Reward & Employee Benefits Association (REBA) in association with Punter Southall Health & Protection.


Download the in-depth 56-page research report

The study shows that when asked what the main drivers of wellbeing strategies were, 37% of respondents said it was to increase employee engagement and 26% said it was to improve their organisational culture.

Other factors – such as reducing short-term sickness absence or retention of staff were lower on the list at 5% for each.

“Businesses are increasingly recognising the need for a healthy culture within their organisations and the long-term value it can bring for both them and their staff,” said Debi O’Donovan, director at the Reward & Employee Benefits Association.

“Business leaders are also recognising that they need to better engage with their staff and provide a more fulfilling working environment if they are to thrive in the long term. They realise that attendance levels and productivity increase as a natural by-product of such strategies rather than as a primary aim.”

Download the in-depth 56-page research report


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Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Punter Southall Health and Protection

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