Employee Wellbeing Research 2017: Fastest growing wellbeing areas for 2017

Download the in-depth 56-page research report
The report shows that 28.4% of respondents are planning to introduce financial education or guidance this year, while 16.8% will introduce fitness challenges and 15.8% sessions on mindfulness.
“Employers are increasingly realising that they have to help their employees not only look after their physical and mental health but their financial wellbeing too,” said Debi O’Donovan, director at the Reward & Employee Benefits Association. “It’s encouraging therefore to see the focus that these three areas are getting from employers.”
Download the in-depth 56-page research report
Have you registered yet for REBA’s Employee Wellbeing Congress on 22 June? REBA’s Employee Wellbeing Congress is the best opportunity for senior Reward & Benefit practitioners, HR Directors and Corporate Wellbeing specialists to benchmark their wellbeing offering, to research strategies and to source tools to develop that offering moving forward. Register for Employee Wellbeing Congress
Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Punter Southall Health and Protection
We advise, design and create protection, healthcare, wellness and online benefits.