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20 Feb 2023

Proving the link between diversity and business performance

HR DataHub is working on a game-changing tool that’s about to transform the way we approach diversity in the workplace, taking it from a nice-to-have to a critical driver of business success

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Last year, we released the D&I index. It gave HR teams the means to understand how they perform, in context, against external peer groups.

The natural next step is helping HR teams find out how they are delivering value to their business and how they can show the real impact of diversity on the business. To achieve this, we’re embarking on a project to prove the link between diversity and business performance: D&I Impact.

The genesis of the D&I Impact Project

Let’s get something straight: there are plenty of research papers showing that organisations working on diversity and inclusion perform well.

In fact, the original D&I Impact idea came from reading most of the ground-breaking material on the topic. Now, this is all good stuff, but it's not in a language that could easily convince a board of directors.

Up until now, we’ve been in the observation phase. Despite all the positive signs, there’s no hard evidence showing the real impact of diversity on business performance.

Our D&I Impact Tool will go beyond observing and will help HR teams link their efforts on diversity to business performance once and for all.

The scary part? It has never been done before.

Now, we’re building a dream team here at HR DataHub to work on this. We’re also working with some of the most well-respected D&I experts in the UK, and companies like Marks & Spencer, Imperial Brands, Phoenix Group, and DHL already support us in this journey.

And, to top it all, we’ve received a grant from the UK government to help advance our work.

To sum it up: 

  • we've got the funding,
  • we've got the talent,
  • we’ve got the expertise.

And now, we’re looking for more organisations to join the project.

Why should any organisation join the D&I Impact project?

1. Get a 12-month subscription to HR DataHub, including the D&I Index
The D&I Index is a tool like no other that lets you measure and compare your D&I performance with industry peers using 100% real-world data. 

It provides the data, insights and guidance for HR teams to take actions that are proven to work and build a compelling business case.

2. Link HR work to business performance
Our D&I Impact tool will help HR teams have real conversations with their board of directors about business rather than relying on academic reports, focusing on other organisations.

Of course, studies can be relatable, but they don’t provide in-context information for your organisation.
Our tool will help HR teams measure and understand the impact of diversity on their organisation and shape the right processes to optimise their own situation.

3. The D&I train is accelerating – make your organisation a frontrunner
Joining us to work on the D&I Impact is also a chance to have exclusive access to the beta versions of the tool.

You will be among the first organisations anywhere in the world to get access to these revolutionary insights.

Most importantly, you’ll be able to shape the tool so that it meets your requirements before else.

The D&I Impact tool is an absolute game changer

We’re thrilled to count on the support of the UK government and on the involvement of organisations such as Marks & Spencer, Imperial Brands, Phoenix Group and DHL.

Of course, when it comes to data and machine learning, the more, the merrier. This is why our doors are still open for a couple more weeks if you’d like to embark on this ground-breaking adventure to change how we as a society view and approach diversity.

So, my question to you is the following: Are you in?

In partnership with HR DataHub

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