Report: Expecting the unexpected

What effect has the pandemic had on employee attitudes and behaviours in order to financially position themselves to better weather the unexpected? This was the central question asked by Close Brothers in their latest report.

Report: Expecting the unexpected 1

Building on the previous success and insight from the 2020 Changing Trends of Financial Wellbeing report, the aim of this research was to further explore and highlight the role of UK employees being financially prepared, and in particular, the effect the pandemic has had on attitudes and behaviours to financially position themselves to better weather the unexpected.

Key findings

  • One in five employees over 65 don’t have an accessible emergency savings fund.
  • A quarter of female employees felt financially unprepared for the pandemic.
  • Only 6% of UK employees have income protection products.
  • Nearly one in five employees aged 65–74 have delayed their retirement as a result of the pandemic.

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Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Close Brothers

Close Brothers has been providing financial education services to employees of some of the UK's best known organisations for over 50 years.

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