Report: Hiding in plain sight: Mental health in the workplace
This BHSF report outlines how vital it is that employers address mental health in the workplace, and put the strategies in place to support employees. This report explains how to do this.
Key findings
- Stress, anxiety and depression were the three most common conditions that were being concealed, with only 15 per cent of respondents stating that they would tell their boss if they were struggling with an issue of this nature.
- The statistics show that just 21 per cent of employees receive dedicated mental health support from their employer.
- The key from an employer’s perspective – no matter the underlying cause, whether mental health, financial or personal factors – is to have a strategy in place to support the employee with the issues they are facing.
The report provides nine steps to help employers create a mentally healthy workplace.
Supplied by REBA Associate Member, BHSF
BHSF is a market-leading health and wellbeing provider.