Webinar recording: How executive remuneration is adapting in the face of ESG targets
In the face of further future regulation, post-pandemic pay bounce backs and increasing shifts to match executive remuneration to Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) targets, executive reward teams and remuneration committees need to be up to speed on what executive compensation structures will play well and what will attract the scorn of investors, the media and their own employees.
In this webinar, the panel discuss the decisions and actions they are taking to reflect their own ESG targets within their executive reward strategies, what those targets are and how they are being measured.
The panel share their thoughts on what they foresee institutional investors and proxy advisors saying about the make-up of executive pay: from the balance between long and short-term incentives, through to calls for clawbacks. They also discuss the expected changes when the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) comes into play in 2024 for large companies.
Chaired by REBA’s director Debi O’Donovan, the panel included:
- Josh Black, VP, editorial at Diligent
- Andrew Manktellow, head of executive remuneration at Legal & General
- Peter McDonald, statutory reporting lead at Natwest
REBA webinars are complimentary for everyone working within rewards and benefits, HR, and wellbeing. Thanks to strategic partner Diligent for supporting this REBA webinar.
Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Diligent
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