Frequently asked questions to help users of the rebaLINK community

What is rebaLINK?

rebaLINK is the exclusive digital networking tool where you can connect with fellow professional members. Enjoy peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, do your due diligence when considering new suppliers and send direct messages. It's a safe space where you can connect with other reward and benefits practitioners facing similar challenges to you.

How can I get involved in the online discussion?

All REBA professional members automatically have access to the rebaLINK network. Go ahead and login to your account and you can start using it right away.

If you’re not yet a member, then you can apply to join our fantastic community on a complimentary basis (for qualifying individuals).

Where did the details in my profile come from and can I amend them?

They were taken from your member registration from when you first joined REBA. You can update them on your personal member homepage when you are logged in.

Can I opt out of receiving messages and community post alerts?

Yes, you can change your preferences at any time. Please login to your personal homepage and click the update details button or the 

Where did the details in my profile come from? Where did the details in my profile come from?

They are taken from the registration form that you completed when you first joined REBA. You can update them on your personal member homepage when you are logged in.

My profile needs updating. Can I change my details? My profile needs updating. Can I change my details?

Yes of course. Login and go to your personal homepage. On the top navigation, you will see My Account. Click on it and the second option in the drop down menu will be Update my profile. There are 3 tabs on this page where you can update your current work details, your topics of interest, your communication preferences and your password too.

I'd prefer not to be contacted. Can I edit this?

Login and go to the Update my profile page in the dropdown menu. On the tab called Preferences you can edit how often you receive alerts about community posts, or stop them altogether. You can also opt out of being contacted by fellow members. You can continue viewing and commenting on posts even though you won't continue getting emails.

​​​​​​​If I want to contact more than one member at the same time, how do I do that?

When you create a post and allocate relevant topics to it, it will be shared with all users who have selected those topics on their profile. 

You can only direct message one member at a time via the Professional Member Directory. Click on the name of the person you want to message to view their profile. You will see a Message button which will open a new window for you to send a message via the platform. It will not be sent outside of the platform.

Are there restrictions on what can be discussed in the open forum?

When making posts, please bear in mind anti-trust compliance and anti-competitive issues. This means keeping precise reward information (such as pay rates) off open forums, and sticking to asking best practise advice.

If I am contacted via rebaLINK by someone who is not a Professional Member what should I do?

rebaLINK is for approved professional members only. You should not let any vendor or supplier use your login details to access rebaLINK. Please inform us immediately on [email protected] if you receive any unsolicited approaches via the rebaLINK communications tools. It's crucial that we keep this platform recruiter and vendor-free.

If I want to do due diligence on a potential new supplier, how do I get member feedback?

You can either 1to1 message fellow members or you can share a post asking the whole community about the supplier in question. You are able to search members by supplier used.  It's possible on your member profile to indicate that you are happy to be contacted about certain suppliers.

How do I contact suppliers through rebaLINK?

There is a shortlist tool within rebaLINK called My Shortlist. You will need to be logged in to access it. Click here and you can search for and add companies to your list - it's a bit like bookmarking them so they're on your profile when you come back to your account page another time. Once you’ve created a shortlist, you can email them all in one go with your enquiry.




Webinar: The importance of better data for smarter benefits decision-making

Understand how to collect and develop better data to improve programme performance and get buy-in for future benefits change projects
2 April 2025 | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

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