Report: The economics of exercise
AXA PPP healthcare commissioned PJM to undertake this research to highlight the unique position employers are in to positively influence the health and wellbeing of a large proportion of the population, with benefits accruing to working age individuals and businesses as well as the wider economy and society.
Key findings
- One in five people in the UK do not currently achieve recommended levels of physical activity, while 20 million adults (39% of the adult population) are classed as physically inactive.
- Qualitative associations between physical activity and improvements in mental and physical health, and the implications these can have in the workplace, are well established. These provide evidence of an association between physical activity and business profitability.
- The outputs of the reviewed studies point to a consistent link between physical activity and reduced absenteeism, with some estimates placing the long-term potential in absenteeism reduction at a considerable percentage of the worktime lost due to poor health.
- The reviewed literature highlights that all programmes considered show a positive ROI, suggesting that, from a business perspective, investing in wellness programmes is justified by the consequent financial benefits.
AXA PPP healthcare is the workplace sponsor for National Fitness Day. Through a campaign called “Flying Start”, AXA intends to encourage employers to give their staff one hour later start to the day, so that employees can get involved in physical activity.
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