Survey: The UK Benefits and Trends Survey 2021

Aon has been producing its Benefits and Trends survey since 2010 – providing expert insights into the world of employee benefits. It provides discussion on emerging and future trends, as well as expert analysis of the key findings, and insight on how Covid-19 has impacted employee benefits.

Survey: The UK Benefits and Trends Survey 2021 1

Key findings

  • 91% of employers believe employees’ expectations of their work experience are changing
  • 98% of employers agree that they are responsible for influencing employee health and changing behaviours
  • 98% of employers think it is important to increase understanding and engagement with benefits and/or wellbeing
  • Nearly a third of employers conduct no form of research or listening to understand employees’ needs.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Aon

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Balancing costs and responsibilities to achieve retirement adequacy

Wed 5 March | 10.00 - 11.00 (GMT)

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