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28 Jun 2022

MACE on the journey to gender-inclusive healthcare

Max Landry, Co-CEO at Peppy is joined by Mandy Willis, Group Board Director of Corporate Strategy at Mace Group, at the Employee Wellbeing Congress 2022

This 20-minute video from the Employee Wellbeing Congress provides a case study with MACE, exploring its journey to gender-inclusive healthcare.

Together they discuss: 

  • Engaging the senior leadership team in creating a supportive workplace culture that stands head and shoulders above the competition 
  • Securing board-level support for gender-inclusive healthcare and benefits
  • Making it personal makes it matter: why healthcare at every life stage will be critical in mitigating future talent challenges
  • What gender-inclusive healthcare could look like for your organisation.

View all Employee Wellbeing Congress 2022 videos here

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