10 Sep 2024
by Anna Scott

Cundall relaunches EAP as wellness platform 

The engineering firm is using its employee assistance programme (EAP) to support its wellbeing strategy and employee value proposition (EVP)

Cundall relaunches EAP as wellness platform.jpg


“People have preconceived ideas of EAPs being [just] counselling services with a few add-ons,” Cundall’s global HR director Fiona Wallace told the Trends in benefits design: navigating talent, economic and cost pressures REBA webinar earlier this year. 

“Actually, EAPs are quite different from what they were years ago, but employees have just got used to them being there. So they might think ‘that’s counselling – I don’t need that’, unless they are someone who does need counselling,” she added. 

The engineering company has relaunched its EAP as a wellness platform and is communicating to employees the full range of benefits it offers – support for management, careers, financial wellbeing, health, nutrition – “all the things that actually pique people’s interest”, Wallace added.  

“We’ve got those core, traditional elements of the EAP, but so much more than that, which we can push out to people. But we also wanted to use it as a way of really supporting our wellbeing strategy, coming back to our EVP and supporting productivity and wellness in the workplace.” 

Cundall also sought to address global consistency for its employees outside the UK with the re-launch. “We wanted to make sure we had local compliance, and [what we offered] was culturally appropriate,” Wallace added. 

The company’s EVP and culture are aligned to its organisation strategy, to help it differentiate itself in the competitive global market for engineering talent.  

“People often return to Cundall [after leaving] for that wider employee experience and enjoyment of working in that environment,” Wallace added. 


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