Developing a mental health return to work plan
Returning to work after time off due to mental ill health can be a daunting experience. This could be due to perceived difficulties on how the employee might cope and manage their illness when they return, or the fear of mental health stigma.
Mental health must be treated like physical health
Organisations must treat a mental health related absence in the same way that a physical health related absence would be managed. Both require the same return to work procedure, and the same level of support needs to be made available in both instances.
Jason King, HR and Wellbeing Advisor at Westfield Health, who is trained in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), explains how you can support employees who are returning to work after a mental health related absence:
Stay in contact throughout the absence
Lack of contact could cause the employee to feel isolated from the workplace and make their return to work more daunting. Taking part in regular and sensitive contact shows that you care, and allows you to help the employee take the right steps towards returning to work. You may also want to consider home visits and inviting the employee to informally visit the workplace ahead of their return.
Plan the return to work
Make sure to collaborate with the employee to design a detailed return to work plan. This needs to be documented so that you are able to monitor progress and stick to your end of the bargain. It’s critical that the plan works for both parties to enable a timely return to work where the employee feels comfortable.
A return to work needs to be personalised to the employee for it to be successful. Make sure that you are aware of their coping strategies and their triggers, so that you can produce a return to work plan that works for the employee based on their specific needs.
Take into consideration the requirements of the employee’s role and how their mental health condition may affect their ability to perform – it may be necessary to make reasonable adjustments. This could be reassigning some of their responsibilities, or you might want to consider a phased return to work which includes flexible working and part time hours. It’s vital that an individualised approach is taken, as each person has different requirements.
Be mindful of mental health stigma
Whilst attitudes have started to change, unfortunately stigma around mental health still exists. In order for employees to feel comfortable speaking out about mental health, an environment needs to be created where people can seek support and speak openly without being discriminated.
Raising awareness of mental health and mental health interventions must be ingrained into your company culture. This is one of the best ways to combat mental health stigma, and according to research by Deloitte, this organisation-wide approach can have up to an 8:1 return on investment*.The key to success is making sure that everybody in the workplace is contributing towards a positive working environment, with the precedent set from the top down.
Take part in open and honest conversation
Stay in regular contact with the employee after they have returned to work. You need to keep up to date with how there are coping, so that you are able to continue to make any necessary reasonable adjustments and provide further support to aid recovery.
The more conversations that take place regarding an employee’s mental wellbeing, the more likely you are able to spot any issues and prevent further issues. This applies to all employees – not just those returning to work.
Avoid assumptions on workload and an individual’s ability to cope
Don’t assume that employees will be able to speak up if things get too much. This is why regular open and honest conversation is important, as you will be able to intervene and offer the right support if they show signs that they are struggling.
Use advance statements
If an individual has been diagnosed with a mental health issue then they are likely to be best placed to know their triggers and how best to support them. An advance statement is a powerful tool that the employee can use to manage their own mental health, as it outlines details including the support they would find useful, indicators of ill health, emergency contacts, doctor/GP information and details on practical arrangements.
By using advance statements, you are better placed to spot any signs of mental illness and quickly provide the correct support should the employee fall ill at work. By knowing their triggers, you can mitigate risk by ensuring reasonable adjustments are made to avoid potential triggers, and you are more likely to spot the signs and intervene if an employee is struggling.
Make sure policies align with the message you want to portray
HR people often talk about alignment of HR strategy to the wider goals of an organisation and there isn’t a better example of this than wellbeing. Through operating processes, working practices and policies, HR professionals can unlock the potential of their people. Senior leaders and HR can go a long way to steer the wellbeing agenda, but it’s down to people managers to implement and create a wellbeing ethos.
It’s important that you train your staff in mental health, as it allows them to work together to eliminate stigma by creating an open and supporting culture. Training also enables them to spot the signs and offer crucial support to employees who may be struggling.
This article is provided by Westfield Health.
*Mental health and employers: The case for investment, Deloitte UK, October 2017
Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Westfield Health
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