01 Aug 2018

How benefits can help improve employees’ happiness

The Wellbeing Agenda report (2018) found that 97 per cent of HR decision makers agree that employee happiness leads to higher productivity. With this considered, it would seem like a no-brainer for companies to investigate how they can help their employees be happier. But what is it about happiness that creates a more productive workforce? And what role do employee benefits play?


Why are happier employees more productive?

Happy employees care more. This goes for both their own careers as well as the company they work for. Employees are much more likely to be invested in a company that has initiatives in place to promote happiness. It also goes some way to showing the employee that the company cares, which is also more likely to motivate employees.

A person who is generally happy is much more likely to put more into progressing their career. This of course leads to an increase in productivity. Author Shawn Achor argues that while many think success brings happiness, studies show that it’s happiness that brings success.

Happiness has been show to make the brain work more efficiently. Happier individuals tend to be more creative and better problem solvers. When you are happy you’re more optimistic and positive. A more optimistic outlook allows you to perceive more possibilities. It also allows you to have a more open mind which increases your ability to think outside the box.

Happier employees tend to be more loyal to the company they are a part of. If they are happy they are more likely to be happy with their job and are therefore more likely to be happy to stay. A person who is generally unhappy will look for ways to resolve their situation. In doing so, the first thing they may look to change is their job. A person’s career is a big part of their life and if they are unhappy, in most cases it’s only logical to first assume that their job is playing a big part in their unhappiness. Of course, this will lead them to seek a new job with a new employer.

Employee benefits play a big role

Offering healthy living and wellbeing schemes through your employee benefits offering is a great way to make employees happier. Whether it’s simple advice, healthcare offers and services, or discounted gym memberships, there are a number of ways your company can help employees through employee benefits.

Discounted gym memberships can be particularly effective, as exercise has been shown to make people happier. Furthermore, giving employees easier and cheaper access to facilities which will help them achieve their fitness goals can only be good for morale. 

Does your benefits offering have a financial wellbeing section? Financial worries are even more prominent in society than we think. Offering debt consolidation services and financial advice to employees can help greatly in alleviating financial-related stress.

Offering deals and discounts will not only help attract and retain employees, but make them happier as well. Of course, financial and healthy living schemes will have more of a positive effect on a person’s underlying mental state, but helping employees save money on their weekly shop for example will always have a positive impact.

Supporting happiness

Offering support for employees is the most important aspect of creating a happier workforce. All companies should look to offer financial and mental health and wellbeing support for employees, as well as advice on improving physical health. In summary, 97 per cent of HR decision makers aren’t wrong. Happiness does indeed increase productivity and employee benefits do play a major role.

This article was provided by Caboodle.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Caboodle

Caboodle is one of the UK's leading employee benefits companies.

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