Isio insights: Working 9 to 5

This paper from Isio looks at the employment package in totality, known in some circles as the ‘Employee Value Proposition’

The best teams are often those that are cited to be diverse in skillset, perspectives and background, therefore recruiting with diversity in mind (and without unconscious bias) should be a priority. 

This sixth paper of eight from Isio asks, how do you know what to prioritise in an employment package to make it genuinely attractive to such a diverse workforce? Are there key differences that need to be considered?

Key findings include:

  • Cash is still King but evidence is strong that other factors in the wider employment package matter almost as much – ignore these at your peril.
  • Different aspects of the EVP will be important to different people – two of the key differentiators in this regard are age and ethnicity.
  • There is scope for an employer to make changes to improve these wider aspects such as job security, culture, flexible working and policies, and investment in these areas may have much richer consequences, and provide longer-term value to an organisation.

Isio’s research reveals eye-opening insight into the UK workforce’s attitudes towards work, finances, moving jobs and employee benefits. It aims to help employers, particularly senior HR leaders, understand how their organisations can maximise value from their benefits packages and even harness the benefit package to address staff turnover challenges.

In conjunction with YouGov, Isio surveyed 7,674 private sector employees in June 2023 on a range of issues surrounding employee benefits and personal finance concerns. Responses for don’t know or prefer not to say answers have been removed, unless explicitly shown.

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