Nudge guide: The Global Financial Wellbeing Playbook  

Nudge’s new and improved Global Financial Wellbeing Playbook is designed to help organisations implement successful financial wellbeing programmes worldwide. 

Although many employers are aware of the importance of financial wellbeing, a recent study found that while 57% of employers offer financial wellbeing programmes, only 28% feel confident in measuring their effectiveness.  

The Global Financial Wellbeing Playbook aims to change this by providing actionable insights and practical tools developed from nudge’s extensive experience in designing and delivering over 300 successful financial wellbeing programmes. 

What’s inside the Global Financial Wellbeing Playbook: 

  • Practical guidance and actionable insights: Learn from the experience of leading experts in financial wellbeing to develop a global program that truly resonates with your workforce. 
  • Build with confidence, impact with purpose: Discover strategies to create a successful financial wellbeing program personalized to the unique needs of your diverse employees. 
  • Real industry success stories: Get inspiration from real-world examples of employers who have implemented measurable and impactful financial wellbeing initiatives. 

“We understand the challenges employers face when it comes to building effective financial wellbeing programmes,” said Jeremy Beament, Director and Co-Founder at nudge.  

“Our Global Financial Wellbeing Playbook is designed to bridge the gap, providing organisations with the knowledge and resources, that we have honed from over two decades of experience, to create programmes that not only support employees but also drive meaningful results.” 

Download the playbook today.

In partnership with Nudge

A leading financial wellbeing benefit using behavioural science & technology to help employees.

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