Pensions strategies for the new age of retirement
Instead of stopping work overnight, older employees are now choosing to work part-time or flexibly, start new careers and even ‘unretire’ after time away from work. At the same time, employers are looking for ways to keep older employees and their skills for longer.
But uncertainty is causing concern for both employers and employees. Businesses want to make sure that they are supporting employees’ decision-making as they approach retirement, but without the risk of liability for their decisions. Talent pressures also mean that they want to retain and reskill older workers while keeping employees engaged and well.
Employees are unsure about their pension and retirement options, both from a financial and lifestyle point of view. The choices and decisions they have to make can be overwhelmingly complex.
Those changes and uncertainties need to be met with new strategies that affect reward, benefits, pensions and HR practices.
Download your copy and find out how employers are tackling these emerging trends which are now beginning to impact the vast majority of employers and will continue to increase in importance over the next two to five years.
The report includes:
- Foreword: Employers risk being left behind as pensions and retirement patterns change
- Introduction: Employees need help in the new age of retirement
- Part 1: Emerging retirement patterns
- Part 2: Managing pension risks
- Part 3: Shifts in retirement decision-making
- Part 4: Changing models for pensions and savings
Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Aviva
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