02 Jul 2024
by Georgia Portwain

Using recognition to nurture resilient culture

It’s crucial to recognise when employees demonstrate resilient behaviours in the workplace

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Resilient workplace cultures are desired by all leaders, as they provide a solid foundation in which to weather storms caused by both internal and external change. 

Whether a company needs to navigate a recession, an acquisition or a change in leadership, by adopting and championing practices that support a culture of ‘nimble resilience’, this will always lead to more positive cultural and business outcomes. As part of this, leaders must lean on recognition, appreciating and rewarding those who demonstrate resilient behaviours.

Pursuing nimble resilience

Nimble resilience is based on the ability to adapt and persevere through change, seeing it as an opportunity to innovate rather than a struggle to battle with and overcome. To achieve a resilient culture requires leaders who demonstrate and encourage practices such as open communication, collaboration, flexibility, autonomy and innovative thinking.

Of course, leaders can live and breathe these behaviours and champion them at every opportunity, however for them to be truly embedded into the everyday employee experience requires individuals to be recognised and rewarded every time nimble resilience is practiced.

Recognising resilient behaviours

If an employee shares some insightful information with their team rather than keeping it to themselves for personal gain, perseveres through change, or if they try something new (even if it doesn’t work out), it’s crucial to recognise and reward the effort and behaviour. This means taking time out to praise them - ideally in front of peers and leaders - while highlighting what exactly they are being recognised for so that others understand ‘what good likes like’. Accompanying the recognition moment with a reward such as points towards a gift of their choice, or a restaurant voucher, helps to elevate its importance so that it’s even more memorable and meaningful.

Plus, peers must be encouraged to recognise their colleagues when resilient behaviours are demonstrated, as this further cements their value and significance within the workplace culture.

Making the right behaviours integral

Nurturing an environment in which recognition has a natural place in the everyday employee experience, and nimbly resilient behaviours are always called-out and praised, ensures that the right behaviours and practices quickly become integral. The result is an increased probability of several outcomes. 

For instance, when individuals view themselves as nimbly resilient and recognition is part of their everyday culture, engagement is five times’ more likely, a strong sense of belonging is twice as likely and there is four times’ the probability of employees exhibiting great work.

Importantly, when change does happen, the organisation is in a strong place to navigate through it, with employees far more likely to step up to the challenge and contribute positively.

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