01 Dec 2021

Webinar: Ways executive incentives are changing to meet ESG targets

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets are increasingly being applied by institutional investors to listed companies, meaning executive reward teams and remuneration committees need to rethink targets for financial and non-financial incentives.

In this webinar, our panellists took stock of how investor focus and regulations are moving the dial on targets linked to ESG. They share what they foresee investors and advisors asking for in the future, which will need to be part of discussions and decisions now.

The webinar includes insight into the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and shareholder activism, as well as the increasing public scrutiny of corporate profits and the rising need to meet diversity and environmental targets.

Chaired by REBA's director and co-founder, Debi O'Donovan, the panel included:

  • Peter McDonald, Statutory Reporting Lead, NatWest Group
  • Claire Yule, President, Reward & Mobility, and P&O Group Functions, Wood
  • Nathan Birtle, Senior Vice President, Diligent.

Thanks to our strategic partner, Diligent, for supporting this REBA webinar.

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