Webinar Free Online

The importance of better data for smarter benefits decision-making

Understand how to collect and develop better data to improve programme performance and get buy-in for future benefits change projects

At a time when benefits costs are escalating, employee demand is higher than ever and businesses expect more impact from HR, there is no hiding place for bad benefits management.

A clear plan is not enough. Benefits professionals need to be well-equipped with quality and appropriate data to gain senior-level approval for changes. From requiring higher level investment, needing to present future business risks or proving performance, understanding which numbers matter most is vital. 

This webinar will draw on REBA’s Benefits Design Research 2025 to explore how to navigate internal approval processes, leverage better quality data effectively, and build compelling proposals that resonate at HR and board levels.

This session is designed to help reward and benefits professionals at all stages of their data journey—whether they are seeking to justify a significant programme change or optimise ongoing scheme performance through robust governance.

Key issues to be explored: 
•    Understanding the level of approval required for different benefit areas (i.e. HR vs. board-level sign-off)
•    The difference in data quality and type needed for approval vs. data for ongoing governance
•    Ensuring the correct data is collected and analysed to prove the business case for benefits change 
•    Using data to refine and optimise benefits strategies over time
•    Lessons learned from benefits professionals who have navigated complex approval processes.

Thank you to our strategic partner Howden for supporting this REBA webinar

Together with Howden Employee Benefits

Howden provides insurance broking, risk management and claims consulting services, globally. We work with clients of all sizes to provide dedicated employee benefits & wellbeing consultancy.

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Panel chair:

Jo Gallacher speaker pic and logo.png

The panel consists of:

Cheryl Brennan

Cheryl Brennan

Managing Director, Howden Employee Benefits

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Find out more

Dana Citron

Dana Citron

Director, Global Health & Wellbeing, DHL Group


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