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Future of Workplace Health & Protection Summit 2024

Invitation-only event exploring how workforce transformation, HR pressures and defined contribution (DC) schemes are all evolving to drive the future of reward, benefits and retirement decisions.

Agenda: Wednesday, 6 March 2024

8.30am – 9am
Networking breakfast and registration

Networking and refreshment

9am – 9.15am
Welcome from the chair

Welcome and introduction

9.15am – 10am
Panel 1: How are employers mitigating the costs of employer-funded health and risk?

Panel debate

10am – 10.40am
Spotlight sessions

A series of two short, sharp spotlight talks from heavy weight industry commentators that provide a flavour of the bigger picture issues and the key themes emerging and how they link with what employers have said in the panel.

Spotlight 1: Understanding the health risks coming down the line (and how to manage and mitigate claims and costs)

Spotlight talk

Spotlight 2: Latest industry and government insights; consultation update

Spotlight talk

Spotlight Q&A

Spotlight talk

10.40am – 11am
Morning coffee break

Networking and refreshment

11am – 12pm
Workshop session 1

7 sessions will run concurrently – the attending delegates will be able to choose 1 topic during each session.

Right care and support, first time - the power of impactful wellbeing initiatives and effective private healthcare to address health risks and deliver value


Health premiums are on the rise, how organisations can shift to proactive measures via strategic engagement


Is a Healthcare Trust the right option for your organisation?


The healthcare conundrum: balancing cost, cover and employee vs employer responsibility


Global medical trends: cost and risk implications for health and protection insurance over the next 2-5 years


Using Multinational Pooling or Captives for cost efficiency and better control of risks


How AI will improve engagement with employee benefits and cut global workplace health costs


12.10pm – 1.10pm
Workshop session 2

7 sessions will run concurrently – the attending delegates will be able to choose 1 topic during each session.

Right care and support, first time - the power of impactful wellbeing initiatives and effective private healthcare to address health risks and deliver value


Health premiums are on the rise, how organisations can shift to proactive measures via strategic engagement


Is a Healthcare Trust the right option for your organisation?


The healthcare conundrum: balancing cost, cover and employee vs employer responsibility


Managing and mitigating health risks and costs: driving value for spend through preventative wellbeing services


Using Multinational Pooling or Captives for cost efficiency and better control of risks


How AI will improve engagement with employee benefits and cut global workplace health costs


1.10pm – 2.15pm
Seated networking lunch

Networking and refreshment

2.15pm – 3pm
Panel 2: Drivers of change in the design, use and delivery of employer-funded health and protection

Panel debate

3.05pm – 3.50pm
Panel 3: The workforce and demographic shifts that are bringing new prevention eco-systems and vocational rehabilitation support to the fore

Panel debate

3.50pm – 4pm
Final remarks and close of conference

Closing of conference

4pm – 4.45pm
Networking drinks

Networking and refreshment

Key issues to be explored:

  • Where the health insurance, group protection and health trust market is moving (both in the UK and globally): causes and predicted outcomes
  • How employers are juggling buying decisions and budgets for insurances and health-related products and services
  • What medical inflation will mean for health and risk insurance within two to five years
  • How accessing healthcare is going to change and what is driving that change
  • Ways artificial intelligence and advances in medical technology are, and will, shift clinical journeys and triaging of employee health needs
  • The evolution of insurance, prevention and wellbeing products and services ecosystems

Key trends for discussion include:

The ageing workforce and rising chronic illness

Simply reducing insurance benefits is not an option. Besides the employer compliance and reputational risk issues, there are societal and demographic issues at play across the globe. As workforces age, the already noticeable rise in expensive-to-treat non-communicable diseases, notably cardiovascular and cancers, in the workplace will grow exponentially.

Meeting employee demands and mitigating gaps

The increased need for more inclusive wellbeing solutions such as menopause and fertility support through to services for neurodivergent employees and those with mental health conditions has already expanded the occupational health-type benefits now available in the workplace. This is set to expand as employers aim to both meet employee demand and mitigate gaps left by state-funded healthcare, but are also being challenged as they struggle to manage multiple providers and look to ways to mitigate insurance inflation.

Rethinking and redesigning health and risk for the future

Employers are rethinking and redesigning their workforce health benefits funding in order to manage future costs, while still offering a healthy environment in which employees can thrive and adapt skills for ongoing workforce transformations linked to AI, digital and environmental objectives. While in the UK the government consultation, Occupational Health: Working Better, is due to report.


Webinar: Changing behaviours - the key life events shifting financial wellbeing strategies

How reward and benefits can incentivise new behaviours and skills development

25 September 2024 | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

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