21 Nov 2024
by Alan Becken

Case Study: Trust and equality drive Salesforce’s quest to enable employee financial stability

A financial wellbeing programme that reaches all 80,000 employees across 35 countries is key to inclusivity, explained Alan Becken, global employee benefits director at Salesforce, in REBA’s Financial Wellbeing Research 2024.

Case Study: Trust and equality drive Salesforce’s quest to enable employee financial stability.jpg


At Salesforce, ‘trust’ is our number-one value. Our employees increasingly look to and trust us to support them, including with their financial wellbeing. Our philosophy on financial wellbeing is simple – we want our employees to make informed choices that are right for them at the right time so they can feel confident about their financial future. 

Our latest benefits survey revealed that financial stability is the highest priority for our employees across many of the countries we operate in, even ahead of mental and physical wellbeing. 

While Salesforce pays competitively within the tech sector and provides comprehensive retirement, accident, life and medical coverage, employees are still anxious about inflation, rising energy prices and housing costs and struggle to know where to go to address their personal financial challenges. 

Providing financial education across the employee population is a good place to start, but very quickly employees will want to apply this to their own personal situation, which can be a difficult leap and lead to disengagement. To address these concerns, we are extending our financial wellbeing programme with BrightPlan beyond the US to reach all 80,000 employees across 35 countries. Soon, every Salesforce employee will have unlimited, one-to-one access to financial guidance from a certified, regulated and impartial financial planner based in their own country. These sessions, which can cover any financial topic, will be in the employee’s native language and based on the local financial landscape. We also focus on educating and guiding our employees to adopt healthy financial behaviours and attitudes, which are essential for their overall financial wellbeing. 

‘Equality’ is another core value at Salesforce. Our programme is designed to be fully inclusive, recognising that financial challenges can affect anyone at any time. For example, those later in their career may be supporting children with student debt, while younger workers may be supporting elderly family members. We’re proud that our programme will provide a level of support typically out of reach for many. 

To help the right people at the right time, we also integrate financial wellbeing prompts into existing HR processes, ensuring timely and relevant communication. For example, we can give a prompt when employees receive bonuses or return from maternity leave. 

As we continue the roll-out of this programme, we look forward to the opportunities it gives our employees and to live up to our core values.


Webinar: The importance of better data for smarter benefits decision-making

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2 April 2025 | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

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