16 Aug 2024

Employers, are you ready for World Menopause Day? 

October 18th is World Menopause Day, a day dedicated to celebrating and supporting women during a natural but transformative stage of life.



As employers, you have the opportunity to ensure menopause is a time of strength and empowerment for your employees.

Why does menopause matter at work?

Menopause is different for everyone and experienced by everyone (not just those going through it).


  • Jane, rated as “top talent”, is struggling with night sweats and brain fog. She’s embarrassed to talk about it although she knows it’s the reason her performance is slipping.
  • Priya, always brimming with innovative ideas, is now hesitant to share her thoughts in meetings because word-blindness and daily anxiety choke her.  
  • Ben, known for his dedication, is exhausted by midday due to his wife’s relentless insomnia. 
  • Sam, their manager knows something is up can’t bring himself to talk about “women’s stuff”. 
  • Grace is one of the 12% of women who is experiencing “early menopause” (between the age of 40-45). She feels like she is going crazy as no one seems to have the answers she needs, even her PMI is a dead end. As a millennial she expects her employer to provide her with modern, on-demand, personalised healthcare.  

These are not just stories; they are the daily realities for many working people. And the numbers back them up:

It’s undeniable that menopause symptoms can negatively affect work performance and overall well-being however, with the right support, this stage of life can be one of strength, and empowerment.

Reframing menopause

At Peppy, we believe menopause is a time of strength, power, and ownership. We inspire women to embrace this stage of life with pride and courage. 

We believe in open-conversations and creating a supportive environment in the workplace. After all, it’s as natural as puberty and certainly nothing to be ashamed of. 

Taking action: Step beyond the basics

True menopause support requires more than generic policies. 

With the correct support in place, you can ensure that your colleagues can continue to bring their best selves to work throughout this (relatively brief and impermanent) period. 

Now imagine: 

  • Jane gets a personalised menopause plan from work. With flexible working hours and access to a specialist menopause care app, Jane explores her symptoms with a clinical expert (without the NHS wait) together they find a treatment that is right for her. Her night sweats and brain fog subside and she feels like her old self again. She’s so delighted that she becomes a wellbeing champion and helps others navigate their menopause.
  • Priya receives support through a digital cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) menopause program. She finds techniques to manage her anxiety and the confidence to be open about her word-blindness. She brings fresh, original ideas to the table once again. 
  • Ben is able to offer his wife his “plus 1” access to a menopause app via his employer. She is able to get practical and medical support for her insomnia, Within a week both wake up feeling tip-top and refreshed. 
  • Sam joins a “menopause for men” webinar held by a digital menopause employee benefit provider. He learns about the many and varied symptoms of menopause and comes away feeling confident, armed with supportive conversation starters. 
  • Grace downloads the menopause app provided by her employer. She easily sets up a consultation with a specialist, gets the info she needs and in no time feels back in control of her life. 

Apps like Peppy offer digital support just like this. The one-on-one chat & video consultations with specialised menopause practitioners and nurses is life changing.

Paired with expertly created articles, videos, events, and courses mean people can access exactly the right support that meets their unique needs, at exactly the right time. 

“At Peppy, we see firsthand how menopause impacts the lives of so many of employees. They need more than policies. As we approach World Menopause Day, I encourage every employer to take meaningful actions. Let’s listen to employees, offer genuine and personalised support, and create an environment where everyone feels confident and in control during this time” - Laura Carter-Penman, Director of Nursing, Peppy.

So, are you World Menopause Day ready?

We invite you to ask yourself a tough question; “Are you really doing enough to support menopause at work?” If in any doubt… Here's your next step. 

Join us for ‘Get World Menopause Day ready’

This free and exclusive online event takes place at 12pm on August 29.

Hear from Kathy Abernethy, former chair of the British Menopause Society, and Deborah Garlick, CEO of Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace. 

Learn practical strategies to support your employees during menopause. 

Understand what your employees really need during this time. 

Click here to register.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Peppy

'The home of benefits. Expert, clinically-led health services in-app, plus an AI-powered employee benefits platform.

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