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19 Apr 2024

How rewarding healthy habits can improve employee wellbeing

It’s all a game: how an airline offered employees a cash reward to improve their financial resilience and prevent poor financial wellbeing

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Employee wellbeing is vital for organisational success and companies like Delta Air Lines are taking innovative steps to support their workforce.

Recently, Delta partnered with Nudge to implement a financial wellness programme tailored to global employees outside the US.

The initiative aimed to enhance financial literacy and resilience by offering monetary incentives to help employees take control of their finances and build healthy habits.

With a financial wellness programme already in place for US employees, Delta wanted to create a consistent and effective programme for all their diverse and international employee populations.

The primary objectives were to increase financial literacy and bolster financial resilience, equipping employees to navigate financial challenges with confidence.

Playing the game

Nudge was chosen to engage employees through personalised financial education stories and assessments.

As well as Nudge’s interactive education, the Delta team decided to gamify the learning by incentivising participation.

Delta employees can unlock rewards equivalent to around $1,000. The incentive structure is designed to encourage sustained engagement, with rewards distributed on completion of financial health checkups and educational modules.

Nudge provides the Delta team with progress reports and data insights on employees’ financial education engagement, enabling informed decision-making on employee wellbeing and their financial needs.

And the winner is...

  • Employee engagement: Within just three months of launch, 95% of Delta employees took action on the Nudge platform, indicating high levels of engagement and interest in financial education.
  • Financial empowerment: More than $2.5m was awarded to employees as part of the financial education incentive, demonstrating the tangible impact of incentivising healthy financial habits.
  • Employee participation: 88% of Delta’s workforce, comprising 2,737 employees, earned rewards through active participation in the programme, underscoring its effectiveness in driving positive behaviour change.

Delta not only addressed the diverse needs of its international workforce but also fostered a culture of financial resilience.

As Joanne Smith, Delta Air Lines Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer, says: “Financial wellness is integral to overall health and wellness, and Delta is committed to supporting its employees in every corner of the globe.”

Delta’s experience serves as a case study for organisations seeking to promote employee wellbeing through incentive-based programmes, underscoring the value of investing in financial education and empowerment.

In partnership with Nudge

A leading financial wellbeing benefit using behavioural science & technology to help employees.

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