Report: The Carer’s Leave Act 2023: Six months on

This employer survey report from Carers UK and Employers for Carers builds on existing evidence as to why introducing statutory paid carer’s leave makes good business sense.

The implementation of the Carer’s Leave Act 2023 in April 2024 was a huge step forward for millions of employees who are juggling work with unpaid caring responsibilities.

It recognises the vital importance of their caring role and empowering them to ask for support in the workplace, not only for statutory unpaid carer’s leave, but for other means of support.

This report aims to build on existing evidence as to why introducing statutory paid carer’s leave makes good business sense and subsequently provides a positive impact on employees who are currently caring or may become carers in the future. 

A total of 164 employers from across England, Scotland and Wales responded to the survey. 


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