21 Jul 2015

The six pillars of employee wellbeing

Our six pillars of employee wellbeing - job security, financial security, health, support, protection and work/life balance - are designed to help employers identify where the issues lay within their workforce.

In this article, we will be discussing the first of these pillars ‘job security’ in more detail.

Job security is an extremely important and often overlooked element that can significantly contribute to an employee’s wellbeing and in turn their productivity, engagement and even absence. 

As part of our ‘Why BWell?’ employee wellbeing survey we found that 16.1% of employees felt as though they had poor job security and 14.9% had considered leaving their job over their sense of job security.

While these do not seems like large numbers, 1 in 6 of those surveyed was seriously considering leaving their job because of their job security, how many would say the same within your organisation?

Interestingly, the number of those considering leaving their job over this issue rose to 19.6% and 18.8% for those over 50 and earning over £75,000 respectively. It would therefore appear this issue is more prominent in the more senior employees.

What actions can be taken to combat this? 

We would expect that for the more senior employee there would be an increased pressure on performance and delivery; but that pressure reaching a point where they would consider leaving their role is surprising and cannot be positive for their overall productivity.

It may be prudent to assess whether too much pressure and unrealistic targets are removing motivation to perform and instead instilling fear in employees in turn having the opposite effect on performance.

In terms of the more junior positions perhaps more reassurance over company performance and financials is important especially for those who don’t feel connected to the success of the firm.

We believe that across any business good engagement is fundamental, ensuring that all employees understand their importance to the firm and that they share in its successes; while also having a referral and support route should they feel disconnected and concerned about their position within the firm at any time.




This article was supplied by Barnett Waddingham

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Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Barnett Waddingham

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