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Government papers: Parental bereavement leave and pay

The government has set out its response to the consultation into parental bereavement leave and pay regulations.

Government papers: Parental bereavement leave and pay 1

The Parental Bereavement (Pay and Leave) Act, which is expected to come into force in 2020, ensures bereaved employees who lose a child under 18 will receive two weeks leave as a day-one right. Eligible employees will also receive two weeks statutory pay.

The government has taken the following decisions about the regulations:

  • the policy will use a broad definition of a ‘bereaved parent’
  • parental bereavement leave and pay can be taken as a single block, or as two separate weeks
  • employed parents will have a window of 56 weeks to use the entitlement
  • notice requirements will be flexible and will distinguish between leave taken very soon and leave taken at a later period
  • evidence requirements will mirror existing requirements used for other family leave and pay rights, where it is practicable to do so.