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Report: Helping employers support their working carers

As a result of an ageing population, the experiences of working carers has risen up the policy agenda. This report published by Simply Health and the Work Foundation is the result of discussions held at a policy workshop held in 2017 and brings together an array of research and views on the topic.

Report: Helping employers support their working carers 1

Key findings

  • 90 per cent of working carers are aged over 30, with the peak age for caring at 45 to 64. Around 59 per cent of unpaid carers are women.
  • One in five unpaid carers leaves or turns down a job because of caring responsibilities.
  • About 44 per cent of ‘committed carers’ (those who frequently provide care) agree that they have changed or reduced their hours to be able to care, with 35 per cent agreeing they have taken a step down at work.
  • Businesses estimate that around 16 per cent of their workforce is made up of those with eldercare responsibilities, and this number is expected to grow in the next 5-10 years.

The report makes a number of recommendations to better support working carers. For employers, recommendations include: introducing carer champions, providing a resource to help carers source practical advice on caring, training line managers to support carers and committing to flexible and remote working.


Webinar: Multinational benefits strategies that will mitigate business risk

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