22 Jun 2023

Andreas Hunter of Buck: Stepping up your financial wellbeing strategy

Andreas Hunter, employee benefits consulting lead at Buck, speaks at REBA’s Wellbeing Congress 2023.

This 20-minute video from REBA’s Wellbeing Congress 2023 considers why making it personal makes it matter - how to step up your financial wellbeing strategy. The session covers:

  • why financial wellbeing is a diversity, equity and inclusion issue, and why it must align with corporate objectives to be successful 
  • combining digital technologies with a human-centred approach to improve employee financial health   
  • being context aware: what does personalised and inclusive financial wellbeing really look like? 
  • redesigning workplace savings to meet changing needs and priorities   
  • building your strategy around real-life events. 

View all REBA Wellbeing Congress videos here.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Gallagher

Buck is a global, integrated HR consulting, benefits administration & technology services provider.

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Webinar: Create a pension strategy to deliver value for your workforce

Balancing costs and responsibilities to achieve retirement adequacy

Wed 5 March | 10.00 - 11.00 (GMT)

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