Hertility report: The Red Paper

This report from Hertility uncovers the shocking lack of support for women and reproductive health within the workplace.

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With so many companies advocating for gender equality, many fail to implement even the most basic necessities that could improve the working conditions for all women and assigned female at birth (AFAB) individuals across the UK and Ireland. 

This report provides actionable advice, eye-opening statistics, and is a call to action to prompt businesses to realise that the cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of implementing these essential changes. 

The report highlights:

  • 88% of employees would consider changing jobs for fertility benefits, highlighting the importance of reproductive health support in attracting and retaining talent
  • Employees with access to comprehensive health benefits, including reproductive health, report 13% higher productivity levels
  • 68% of millennials consider fertility benefits when choosing an employer, indicating the growing demand for inclusive reproductive health benefits
  • 1 million women left the workforce to menopausal symptoms in 2023
  • Companies that offer comprehensive reproductive health benefits, including fertility testing, see a 50% reduction in employee turnover rates.

Download your copy of the report.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Hertility

Hertility is a reproductive health company shaping the future of the workplace. We’re working with forward-thinking companies to proactively support employees across every life stage with end to end care spanning fertility, LGBTQ+ family-forming & menopause. The workplace wasn’t designed with everyone in mind, we’re here to change that. We empower employers to attract, support and retain a diverse, thriving and innovative workforce with expert-led education, comprehensive health screening and policy review Hertility is setting a new standard of care and support in the workplace by empowering organisations to become accredited as Reproductively Responsible™ employers.

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