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Isio insights: Through the looking glass

The last paper in Isio’s series focuses on differences in thinking within the employee population with an effort to listen to the under-represented voices

The final paper in Isio’s series on maximising the value of employee benefits, considers whether individuals across a range of minority groups value different things in the benefits package? And how do these demographics play into behavioural decisions? 

Given a sizeable range of opinions, it asks how best can you listen fairly to the preferences of an entire population and make robust decisions on their behalf?

Key findings include:

  • Employee preferences vary – greatly. This is not only down to tangible aspects such as gender, age, background and so on, but much wider factors such as our unique thinking patterns.
  • Demographic datapoints can be a useful starting point in identifying and targeting those who do not value their benefits.
  • Combining data analysis with a more robust technique of listening to the employee voice can provide a fairer representation of the needs of the whole workforce – thus unlocking value in the employee benefit spend.

Isio’s research reveals eye-opening insight into the UK workforce’s attitudes towards work, finances, moving jobs and employee benefits. It aims to help employers, particularly senior HR leaders, understand how their organisations can maximise value from their benefits packages and even harness the benefit package to address staff turnover challenges.

In conjunction with YouGov, Isio surveyed 7,674 private sector employees in June 2023 on a range of issues surrounding employee benefits and personal finance concerns. Responses for don’t know or prefer not to say answers have been removed, unless explicitly shown.

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A forward-looking approach to employee benefits, creating value for today and tomorrow. Helping you and your employees get the most from their benefits.

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Webinar: Changing behaviours - the key life events shifting financial wellbeing strategies

How reward and benefits can incentivise new behaviours and skills development

25 September 2024 | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

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