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07 Oct 2019

Five simple steps to build a wellbeing strategy that works for all after a merger

A company merger can open the door to a host of positive changes. From greater economies of scale and a foothold in a new marketplace to greater diversification and efficiency, mergers can provide new opportunities for growth and development.


But it can also be an anxious time for employees who may be uncertain of where they stand, or what their future looks like. For instance, ‘Considerable organisational change/restructuring’ ranked second as a cause of stress amongst employees in a recent survey.

Add in the complexities of integrating historic decisions, policies and working environments of two distinct companies, and a merger can cause a few headaches. That can certainly be true when it comes to forming a wellbeing strategy that supports, and works for, everyone.

So, how can you make sure employees from both companies are treated fairly, their wellbeing is maintained, and things run as smoothly as possible once the deal goes through? Here are five steps to ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Do your research
    Due diligence on any proposed merger is a given. And that should include taking a close look at the respective wellbeing and benefits policies. Involving HR directors and Heads of Wellbeing at an early stage of the decision-making process can help avoid surprises further down the line when it comes to integrating two distinct wellbeing policies. The earlier you can spot any differences that could cause potential unrest (e.g. flexi time or gym benefit policies) the earlier you can start finding a solution that works for all.

  2. Gauge opinion
    Mergers aren’t just an opportunity for new and exciting progress, they’re also a chance to take stock of what has – and has not – been working for a business up to that point. The inevitable large-scale changes that accompany any merger provide a perfect opportunity to review the status quo.

    Take the chance to ask employees directly about the current wellbeing programs and support on offer. Setting up specific focus groups or online surveys are ways to do this. Ask staff what they want from their wellbeing program. What’s not working for them? What’s missing? Use the results, coupled with data on issues like sick leave, benefits sign up and overtime to build the new strategy moving forward.

    Making employees feel involved in the process can help create buy-in during a time of transition when some of the wellness services they have been used to may change.

  3. Relaunch?
    When this research has been completed, and even if the decision is that wholesale changes aren’t needed, relaunching your health and wellbeing strategy post-merger can show staff from both original companies that you see wellness as a priority moving forward.

    A relaunch or rebrand also allows you to incorporate wellness policies and benefits packages in one overarching strategy to avoid confusion when it comes to what is available to who. The more you can do to solidify the new business as one entity and encourage staff from the merging company to buy into the new company culture, the better.

  4. Get buy-in from key figures
    People are more likely to engage with something if they see those they respect doing so. There’s a better chance of employees from the merging company getting on board and taking advantage of a wellbeing strategy they aren’t familiar with when they see key stakeholders and colleagues leading the way.

    Securing this top-down leadership will, hopefully, help navigate the transition and lead to higher participation on wellbeing policies and initiatives on offer.

  5. Maintain and increase support during the process
    As discussed, mergers can be a stressful time for employees as they wait to discover what's on the horizon. Making sure the support structure is maintained - or even increased - throughout the merger process is critical. Simple steps to ensure this include honest and open internal communications at appropriate times, signposting peer support groups, and maintaining positivity through team building and individual recognition and praise.

This article is provided by Firstbeat.

In partnership with Firstbeat Technologies

Firstbeat is the leading provider of physiological analytics for well-being and sports.

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