04 Mar 2025
by Ori Chandler

5 ways to support a neurodivergent workplace

Ori Chandler, Aviva's Group head of diversity equity and inclusion (DEI), gives us the lowdown on how businesses can support neurodivergence in the workplace.

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We all have different traits and ways of doing things. Each player is an asset to a football team, and it’s their differences that make them more than the sum of their parts. 

Some people have their own unique challenges and opportunities because their brains work differently to other people.

Neurodiversity is the natural variation in human neurotypes (basically our brains and how they work). It’s this neurodivergence that gives us our uniqueness.

It can include people with autism, dyslexia, ADHD and dyspraxia, among other conditions.

Why neurodivergent employees are important to your business

With around one in seven people estimated to be neurodivergent, it’s more than likely that you will have neurodivergent employees. 

Because neurodivergent people think differently to neurotypical people, they can be invaluable to a business as they may approach situations differently. 

Often, their capacity for thinking in an unorthodox way means neurodivergent people can be skilled at things as varied as creative thinking, solving complex problems, identifying patterns and trends, or paying attention to detail.

This difference in approach could help you find an edge in business. 

By bringing together different neurotypes, cultures, backgrounds and personalities to share their thoughts, this can reflect the customers a business serves and communities it operates in.

How to support neurodivergent employees

Protecting the wellbeing of an employee is crucial if they’re to remain engaged and happy in their work. 

It’s important to remember that every person has different needs, and your employees, will have their own strengths and challenges. 

Ask people with lived experiences to shape how you support your employees and consider establishing communities or getting external support. 

Here are some specific strategies and practices you could consider to support your employees:

1) Different people need different things from their workplace environment

It’s easy to forget the physical environment when considering how to support neurodivergent people, but it can be an important factor. 

For example, autistic employees may be sensitive to noise, light and scents, so setting aside quieter, less brightly lit areas, away from kitchen or food preparation spaces, is something to consider. 

Desk assessments can help identify whether computer screens are the right brightness level, and whether employees have the right equipment – anything from trays and drawers to daily planners and screen overlays. 

Providing some opportunities to work flexibly which works for both the individual and the business can be particularly valuable in the case of neurodivergent people.

2) Make your communications clear and unambiguous

No matter what form your communications take, it’s important to say exactly what you mean – some neurodivergent people may not pick up on nuances or interpret idioms in the same way a neurotypical person might do. 

Varying the format of your communications can also help people who digest information differently.

3) Help all your employees to understand neurodivergence 

Offering training can help clear up potential misconceptions, making it clear that neurodivergence is a difference not a deficit.  

This includes promoting the use of positive language – so employees never refer to neurodivergent colleagues as ‘suffering’ from something or having learning difficulties. 

It’s also important to encourage an open, inclusive culture and to train managers to assign work tasks appropriately, meeting needs and playing to strengths.

4) Understand and review your employees’ needs

A Workplace Adjustment Passport supports employees needing adjustments in their work environment and can be beneficial for neurodivergent individuals and their managers. 

It documents agreed-upon adjustments, such as physical changes or altered work hours, ensuring both parties understand and meet specific needs. 

It aids conversations, captures any actions or adjustments and is a useful tool to enable ongoing review of needs. 

It can also help monitor the impact of adjustments and should be kept updated as the employees needs change. 

At Aviva, this passport moves with the employee if they change roles, eliminating the need to re-explain their requirements to new managers or teams.

5) Create a community and peer support networks

Creating resource groups and peer support networks can provide a sense of community and belonging for neurodivergent employees. 

These groups provide forums for sharing experiences, advice, and support, which can be invaluable for both personal and professional growth. 

At Aviva our Ability Community and neurodivergence sub-network play a really important role in connecting colleagues, signposting resources and offering peer support. 

They also engage the wider business, helping to educate and raise awareness about neurodivergent lived experiences.

Aviva support

Aviva's Group Income Protection policy offers insured employees access to support through a number of clinical pathways. 

Aviva's neurodiversity pathway can support those who have already been diagnosed as neurodivergent and are struggling in the workplace as a result. 

For employees who could benefit from support or guidance we can provide in-house support or may refer the employee to one of our specialist partners, to help:

  • Identify strengths and manage challenges through support from chartered and occupational psychologists 
  • Overcome challenges with tailored strategies and solutions
  • Identify workplace adjustments
  • Support employers to better understand neurodiversity and how to support employees through line manager training and coaching 

More information about Group Income Protection.

More information about our neurodiversity pathway.

Aviva’s Neurodiversity Hub provides information for your clients to help them understand more about neurodiversity and manage neurodivergence in the workplace.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Aviva

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