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27 Mar 2024

AXA Health's Sarah Goodwin: The changing demands of private medical insurance

Sarah Goodwin, head of strategy at AXA Health sits down with REBA content director Jo Gallacher to discuss the changing demand for private medical insurance (PMI) in employment and the emerging health conditions which should be on employer's radars.

Goodwin said: "People are using private healthcare more than ever before. Our data has found people are turning to private medical care where they would never have considered it in the past.

"My advice for employers would be to think about the sustainability of those benefits going forward. This is a benefit you would want to put in place for a number of years, so think ahead, don't just think of the needs you have right now." 

Watch the video to find out more about how demand for PMI is changing and what opportunities and challenges this creates for reward and benefit professionals.

This video was recorded at REBA’s Future of Workplace Health & Protection Summit on 6 March 2024.