Briefing: Financial Wellbeing Research 2024

This REBA insights briefing to the Financial Wellbeing Research 2024, in partnership with WEALTH at work, reveals the key societal, economic and employee value proposition (EVP) trends shaping financial wellbeing strategies.

This four-page briefing provides key insights from the REBA Financial Wellbeing Research 2024, published in partnership with WEALTH at work.

If you don’t have time to read the full report, this free download will enable you to read the key findings and actions from the third edition of REBA’s Financial Wellbeing Research 2024, which explores how employers can build a forward-looking and inclusive financial wellbeing strategy. 

Based on responses from 236 employers including: GSK, Procter &Gamble, Shell Energy Retail, and Standard Chartered Bank, this year’s research explores how factors such as environmental, social and governance, ageing and medical costs are changing behaviours and employers’ approaches to financial wellbeing. 

The report also examines the impact of life events, such as caregiving and divorce, the imminent need for pre-retirement planning and mental health as intertwined drivers of change.

The full report will give you benchmarking data, DEI agenda changes, tax implications, evolving EVPs and a blueprint of the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ for future employee wellbeing success.

About the research

This research was conducted as an online quantitative survey between April and May 2024 among REBA’s membership community and wider database of HR professionals. It achieved participation from 236 predominately medium to large organisations, representing an estimated 1.3 million employees. This approach ensured a broad and diverse set of data, reflecting a cross-section of employer sizes and industry sectors in the UK.


Naomi Alexander

Naomi Alexander

Head of reward and recognition, Utility Warehouse

Alan Becken

Alan Becken

Global employee benefits director, Salesforce

Ant Donaldson

Ant Donaldson

Reward manager , Wolseley UK Group

Tim Middleton

Tim Middleton

Director of policy and public affairs, Pensions Management Institute (PMI)

Oliver Morley

Oliver Morley

CEO , Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)

Debi O'Donovan

Debi O'Donovan

Co-founder & Director, Reward & Employee Benefits Association

Oluyomi Okunowo

Oluyomi Okunowo

Senior vice-president, total reward and people operations, Wella Company

Michaela O’Reilly

Michaela O’Reilly

Head of reward and HR analytics, Ipsos UK

Nina Platt

Nina Platt

Head of reward and pensions, Belron UK

Johnny Timpson OBE

Johnny Timpson OBE

Chair , Financial Inclusion Commission

Louise Woodruff

Louise Woodruff

Senior policy adviser, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Jonathan Watts-Lay

Jonathan Watts-Lay

Director, WEALTH at work

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, WEALTH at work

WEALTH at work is a leading financial wellbeing and retirement specialist - helping those in the workplace to improve their financial future.

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