28 Jun 2022

Dr Eliza Filby on the impact of our ageing society and age discrimination

This year’s Employee Wellbeing Congress opening keynote speaker, generations expert Dr Eliza Filby, answers the questions sent in during her session.

Generations expert Dr Eliza Filby answers: with employers needing to employ workers into older age but older workers slowing down, will age discrimination become more evident? And how is the UK evolving to meet social care needs?

Dr Filby argues that age discrimination in the workplace will become an increasingly political issue and an important one for employers. She outlines that there are a couple of things that employers can do to address this issue, including ensuring that you are not discriminating by denying older employees training or promotion opportunities, as well as having good older role models to inspire those at the mid-life point in their career.

For social care, as a society we need to live up to our responsibilities, and Dr Filby believes that younger people need to acknowledge this growing issue, while employers will need to think more creatively about how to tackle this problem.

During her session at REBA’s Employee Wellbeing Congress 2022 Dr Filby explored the implications of changing demographics and age diversity on the future of work, and encouraged the audience to challenge conventional views associated with age, learning and career trajectory.