28 Jun 2022

Dr Eliza Filby: beware values that are exclusive rather than inclusive

This year’s Employee Wellbeing Congress opening keynote speaker, generations expert Dr Eliza Filby, answers the questions sent in during her session.

Generations expert Dr Eliza Filby answers: is there a danger of ‘values’ becoming the new ‘culture’ with unintentional exclusions?

She argues that we need to move away from the trend that has formed over the last 10 years that was trying to create a sense of why. Why employees work for a company and they way that is articulated through corporate values. She believes that we move away from this because the why is not all we need from work, the what and the how of work is also vital.

During her session at REBA’s Employee Wellbeing Congress 2022 Dr Filby explored the implications of changing demographics and age diversity on the future of work, and encouraged the audience to challenge conventional views associated with age, learning and career trajectory.