06 Oct 2020

How to keep a positive mindset at work

It has been extra difficult to maintain a positive mindset at work recently. Extra pressure, potential job instability, furloughed colleagues, new environment – maybe even a new job entirely! Remember that you might not be able to change what’s happening around your employees, but you can still help them to change the way they perceive them.


Here are some tips to help employees approach their working day with a little more positivity.

1. Be friends with your co-workers

Even with a reliable network of friends outside of work, it’s a good idea to be friends with co-workers. It creates a nice environment, keeps up morale as conversation can flow easier and everyone feels at ease. If employees are working from home and feeling isolated, why not suggest to them that they book in a quick video call with a colleague once a week? It could be enough to boost their mood for the rest of the day.

2. Take Breaks

Encourage workers to take a break. A change of environment for ten minutes can make employees feel less bogged down and more positive. Their productivity will also improve and their mind won’t feel so trapped inside a task. You could even suggest that they try a quick workout during their break to keep their energy levels up.

3. Tune Out

Bad moods can be contagious and disrupt others from having a positive mindset at work. If an employee isn’t feeling 100%, or someone around them is having a particularly bad day and is becoming a bit of a mood hoover, encourage them to tune out for a little bit. They could pop in some headphones and listen to some upbeat music to perk themselves up.

4. Set your own goals

Self-motivation can play an important role in keeping up morale. If you set goals for your employees, why not encourage them to add a couple of their own as something more personal to aim for. For example, if the employee is set a deadline, they could add in that reaching that deadline means they can treat themselves to lunch at work. More personal goals can improve productivity and concentration on a task.

5. Do something nice

If employees aren’t working from home, why not bring some fun to the workplace. Doing a nice activity at work can be a real morale booster. You could bring in some homemade treats, or suggest your team does something special together in the break. Random Acts of Kindness for an individual at work once a week can also make someone’s day, as well as your own.

6. Sleep

When running on very little sleep, it’s difficult not to feel anxious or stressed. Sleep can have a huge effect on various areas of employees’ health, so encouraging them to look after their sleep pattern is very important. Also, it's essential to keep a healthy work-life balance to increase productivity at work.

This article is provided by Incorpore.

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