How to leverage mental health first aid to support mental resilience
Data shows that mental ill-health is one of the top reasons for sickness absence in the UK, particularly in the younger generation.
Amidst the various workplace mental health initiatives, mental health first aid (MHFA) has become a vital option for many organisations to promote mental wellbeing and increase mental health literacy.
MHFA also offer immediate support and guidance for individuals in needs, along with further signposting to additional resources.
However, to be successful, MHFA must be part of a broader strategy rather than a standalone solution.
Here’s how employers and HR can leverage MHFA to create a positive impact on supporting the mental wellbeing and resilience of employees:
Create a space to speak without judgement
Mental resilience refers to the ability to adapt and recover from stress, adversity, trauma or significant challenges.
MHFA can help employees build the psychological strength they need to cope with difficulties and bounce back from setbacks, maintaining mental wellbeing in the face of life’s challenges.
MHFA is designed to primarily recognise mental health issues and provide a non-judgemental space for employees to explain how they’re feeling.
Helping employees to normalise their feelings in the first instance can help them start to build resilience as they recognise they’re not alone in feeling this way.
Offer reassurance, information and support
Like physical first aid, MHFA does not aim to diagnose or treat, but to offer immediate assistance and guide the employee towards professional help if needed.
MHFA isn’t about providing solutions to problems. It’s about listening and helping employees to find the right resources and support for their circumstances.
This enables a sense of self-efficacy, where employees feel confident to take steps to address challenges and achieve goals.
It gives them a sense of control over their life which is integral to strengthening mental resilience.
Devise a plan of action
MHFA programmes support employees to come up with a plan of action on how to address and improve their mental health challenges. It also helps instil a sense of purpose and direction, a key component of mental resilience.
A plan encourages motivation and a framework for making decisions, where employees can set and work towards their own personal goals to improve their health.
A set plan can also help foster a positive outlook, which involves seeing challenges as opportunities for growth and a belief in their ability to overcome obstacles – another factor in building and maintaining mental resilience.
Supportive leadership
Implementing MHFA in the workplace starts with employees experiencing and seeing a supportive culture that values mental health.
Leadership plays a crucial role in embedding culture.
When executives and managers openly and genuinely discuss mental health, it reduces stigma and encourages employees to seek help.
Ensure your MHFA network is diverse and include senior leaders from your organisation.
Alongside your MHFA programme, consider a shortened training session for all leaders within the business.
Doing so increases awareness and literacy, and encourages a culture shift where employees start to have honest and supportive conversations.
This reduces the chances of mental health issues escalating and instils future mental resilience.
It also provides the skills required to spot the early signs of mental ill health, so that leaders can be proactive in seeking out individuals and offering support where needed.
Increase in disclosure of mental health issues among the workforce
Creating clear guidance on the role of MHFA within your organisation can help safeguard your mental health first aiders (MHFA), employees, and the business as a whole, while effectively managing your support network.
It’s essential to understand how your MHFAs are utilised across the organisation.
Encourage them to complete an anonymised form after each conversation to gather insights on any trends within the organisation.
This information can be invaluable in shaping your organisation’s strategic approach to mental health.
Adopting a MHFA programme should not be seen as a replacement for investing in professional mental health services and resources; it should complement an overall strategy.
Businesses can create a resilient, productive and mentally healthy workplace by:
- Training employees to recognise and respond to mental health issues
- Fostering a supportive culture
- Providing necessary resources
- Encouraging peer support, and
- Continuously evaluating MHFAs programmes
In partnership with HCML
HCML is a health and wellbeing provider, offering integrated and personalised healthcare solutions.