20 Nov 2024
by Jo Gallacher

Improving pensions engagement via digital tools with Scottish Widows' Graeme Bold

Graeme Bold, director for workplace and intermediary wealth, Scottish Widows sits down with REBA content director Jo Gallacher to discuss the evolving digital landscape in pensions.

Amid concerns around retirement adequacy, the pensions industry is working hard to encourage employees to better engage with their pensions to understand their retirement plans. 

Digital tools, new apps and intergration with existing apps has been a key focus for Scottish Widows. 

In this video, Bold discusses:

  • Gamification and engagement apps
  • How the private sector is working with government to drive progress in its Pensions Dashboard programme
  • How employers can get the best value for money for their workplace pension scheme

This interview was recorded at REBA's Future of Pensions Summit in London on 19 September 2024.

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Webinar: Create a pension strategy to deliver value for your workforce

Balancing costs and responsibilities to achieve retirement adequacy

Wed 5 March | 10.00 - 11.00 (GMT)

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